Heavenly father please send a legion of Angels to post up outside the door for as soon as he opens the door.
Send another legion of Angels to guard around my ex families home all night all day, don't let anyone cross that means them any harm.
In Jesus mighty name amen
Heavenly father please send me a legion of Angels to guard around me. Place your holy spirit between myself and Jeff. Protect me this time please I know you love me and wanted better and now I need you here for me while I leave. In Jesus mighty name amen
I pray against the spirit of legion, a risen altar against my family, my health, any blockage against my job security and my finances in Jesus mighty name.
country: united states
god's presence
god's promises
god's protection day n night
job security
mighty name
prayer altar
Heavenly father please if you have done nothing else for me do this for me now. Keep a legion of angels surrounding my whole family at all times to keep them all safe. Please stay near to my mom, she's so sick now. DO NOT ALLOW ANYTHING AWFUL TO HAPPEN TO ANY OF THEM. KEEP THEM SAFE.
Heavenly father please send help to watch over my family now. Protect them and send a legion of holy hosts to guard around their house.
If you ever loved me you will deliver me now. It's time for me to finally come home to you.
In Jesus mighty name amen
Heavenly father please give Jeff whatever he needs right now that is within your will.
Put a legion of Angels around him to protect him from danger.
In Jesus mighty name amen
Heavenly father please put a legion of Angels around me. Reveil what has been happening around here and why I am so screwed in the head.
Someone needs to understand this. You're the only one who can explain this.
Send Jeff in now to tell me the whole truth and no lies
In Jesus mighty name amen
Heavenly father I want to pray to cancel any attacks on anyone whom maybe in a terrible position right now and undergoing harassment or worse. I want to pray to cause confusion amongst their camp and a legion of Angels to protect and fight for whomever they might be after, stay close to these...
Heavenly father, I humbly ask that you send your holy spirit here to fire down upon the many demons tormenting me. I am now legion. I need your help and you're the only one who can do it.
In Jesus mighty name amen
Heavenly father please I am in agony and believe you must hate me. Please break my cigarette addiction and send a legion of angels to assist me to break my chains. I will push a little harder and fight a little longer for my life. Please send help asap
Heavenly father please send me a legion of angels to help break off my chains of possession and oppression.
Please break every chain off of me tonight it is urgent now!
In Jesus mighty name amen
Heavenly Father thank you for everything that you do for me. Can you please send me a legion of healing angels to heal me and protect me today in Jesus mighty name amen
Heavenly father the closer I try to get to you the more trapped I feel. I need your devine intervention,they are forcing me into using drugs and I cannot get the out on my own. Please send a legion of angels to cast these out today
Heavenly father please do not abandon and forsake me. For 6 years I have lived in pain and torment crying out for your attention and in desperate need of your help but you have not answered me and have not healed me nor cast out any demons please send me a legion of healing and ministering...
I want to pray for spiritual restoration and a legion of angel's to surround the band Korn and keep them safe and protected from the enemy so nothing can get into or around their homes or them and Steven furtick and his family and my own family that are home suffering right now. In Jesus name amen
Dear Lord after I pay bob Larson I'm praying for a legion of Angels to catch all my demons and throw them in hell. Tell the angels to be ready and on point because they're going to try to run away quickly. They know how fast they move I'm need the quickest warring Angels to catch them all...