We have a legal matter coming up for a hearing which is very stressful. Please pray for guidance that I may know what to do about it and perform my proper role in it.
Please pray for Alex's, Raphael's, Joe's, Deshawn and his sons salvation. Please pray that the legal matter that Deshawn's son is going g through is resolved in his favor ( ideally for the legal matter to be dropped). Thank you and God bless you.
Total healing and sleep and allergies Pnd sinuses my God and bring that specific someones back in our lives soon and those that promised to help let them feel this energy in them to want to continue to help in this legal matter Lord we put all this in Your hands and perfect will.. Good things...
I beseech you all yo continue praying for my unfortunate situation ,where I have a legal matter hanging over me . I need to find a divine solution and change the heart of people involved . I need God to intervene and guide me through . I do not have the funds for any legal course I seek God to...
I have been threatened by someone who misrepresented the truth. It is a legal matter. I am afraid authorities will gnore the truth when, as God knows, I did no wrong. I seek a prayer of protection from evil.
Prayers for getting this legal matter underway Prayers that no obe in our facility gets covid as we test everyday praters that Andy and I are married soon. That I find a home to buy. Open doors
Please pray my plans to have kidsare protected and my life is protected from creepy dad and sister,who’ve intefered clumsily in a legal matter and caused huge problems. Please pray they can’t affect my outcome or compensation
Someone is lying about me to my dad and sister about a legal matter-he is the defendant and he’s slandered me so badly my life is ruined. They don’t see clearly.It is very serious indeed.Please pray they stay away from him and refuse to talk to him at all,it’s very difficult for me.
My sister is trying to interfere in a legal matter and instead of helping me pay for a lawyer,as police suggested,she’s trying to tell me I am mental. I’m not-I am in a complex legal situation and not able to give her the full picture. Please pray she leaves me alone.
I am asking for all of this family to pray. I’m facing a legal matter. Please pray for God to give me Favor, understanding, wisdom & guidance. I give my Savior all the praise & glory. I thank you all. May God Almighty Bless you & keep you safe during these difficult & uncertain times.