prayers it stops raining so roof stop leaking cant afford to fix and have had new roof put on but they put it on over old one and leaks worse spend lots of money to fix and still leaking even worse sad but not got any more money to keep paying to be fixed and not fixed so got buckets and towels...
prayers for the rain to stop with all the leaks i got and my mom has it not helping out had new roof put on but the person that did it put it over the old one and it leaks worse after lots of money for new roof i cant afford another one so i deal with the leaks and my moms we put all kinds of...
prayers for all that have roof that leaks including my self and mother we are getting lots of rain prayers for all that are in flood zone also like us and lots others
prayers for all my family also my cat so much going on it easier to ask for us all and the world to God Bless prayers for us all with all going on . also pray for all the rain we get and the leaks that are going on for my self and mother working on getting them fixed but seems like more we work...