May our Heavenly Father guide and bless your nation and your leaders to His peace.
Heavenly Father we pray for Your guidance, Your Peace, and Your Love to storm the four corners of the world. Give us courage to fight a good fight of faith and to share Your Truth tenaciously and...
May our Heavenly Father guide and bless your nation and your leaders to His peace.
Heavenly Father we pray for Your guidance, Your Peace, and Your Love to storm the four corners of the world. Give us courage to fight a good fight of faith and to share Your Truth tenaciously and...
May our Heavenly Father guide and bless your nation and your leaders.
Heavenly Father we pray for Your guidance, Your Peace, and Your Love to storm the four corners of the world. Give us courage to fight a good fight of faith and to share Your Truth tenaciously and lovingly...
May our Heavenly Father guide and bless your nation and your leaders.
Heavenly Father we pray for Your guidance, Your Peace, and Your Love to storm the four corners of the world. Give us courage to fight a good fight of faith and to share Your Truth tenaciously and lovingly...
May our Heavenly Father guide and bless your nation and your leaders.
Heavenly Father we pray for Your guidance, Your Peace, and Your Love to storm the four corners of the world. Give us courage to fight a good fight of faith and to share Your Truth tenaciously and lovingly...
May our Heavenly Father guide and bless your nation and your leaders.
Heavenly Father we pray for Your guidance, Your Peace, and Your Love to storm the four corners of the world. Give us courage to fight a good fight of faith and to share Your Truth tenaciously and lovingly...
May our Heavenly Father guide and bless your nation and your leaders.
Heavenly Father we pray for Your guidance, Your Peace, and Your Love to storm the four corners of the world. Give us courage to fight a good fight of faith and to share Your Truth tenaciously and lovingly...
God guide and bless your nation and your leaders.
Heavenly Father we pray for Your guidance, Your Peace, and Your Love to storm the four corners of the world. Give us courage to fight a good fight of faith and to share Your Truth tenaciously and lovingly. Let us labour in Your...
God guide and bless your nation and your leaders.
Heavenly Father we pray for Your guidance, Your Peace, and Your Love to storm the four corners of the world. Give us courage to fight a good fight of faith and to share Your Truth tenaciously and lovingly. Let us labour in Your...
God guide and bless your nation and your leaders.
Heavenly Father we pray for Your guidance, Your Peace, and Your Love to storm the four corners of the world. Give us courage to fight a good fight of faith and to share Your Truth tenaciously and lovingly. Let us labour in Your...
God bless your nation and its leaders.
Heavenly Father we pray for Your guidance, Your Peace, and Your Love to storm the four corners of the world. Give us courage to fight a good fight of faith and to share Your Truth tenaciously and lovingly. Let us labour in Your Love, right...
Dear Lord Jesus please help those teaching in the church buildings your flocks to speak the truth of your Word courageously and truthfully help them to speak not against your Word through false teachings decieving and leading others astray around the world help them to seek the truth of your...
Dear Lord Jesus please help those teaching in the church buildings your flocks to speak the truth of your Word courageously and truthfully help them to speak not against your Word through false teachings decieving and leading others astray around the world help them to seek the truth of your...
Dear Lord Jesus please help those teaching in the church buildings your flocks to speak the truth of your Word courageously and truthfully help them to speak not against your Word through false teachings decieving and leading others astray around the world help them to seek the truth of your...
Dear Lord Jesus please help those teaching in the church buildings your flocks to speak the truth of your Word courageously and truthfully help them to speak not against your Word through false teachings decieving and leading others astray around the world help them to seek the truth of your...
Dear Lord Jesus please help those teaching in the church buildings your flocks to speak the truth of your Word courageously and truthfully help them to speak not against your Word through false teachings decieving and leading others astray around the world help them to seek the truth of your...
Dear Lord Jesus please help those teaching in the church buildings your flocks to speak the truth of your Word courageously and truthfully help them to speak not against your Word through false teachings decieving and leading others astray around the world help them to seek the truth of your...
Dear Lord Jesus please help those teaching in the church buildings your flocks to speak the truth of your Word courageously and truthfully help them to speak not against your Word through false teachings decieving and leading others astray around the world help them to seek the truth of your...
Dear Lord Jesus please help those teaching in the church buildings your flocks to speak the truth of your Word courageously and truthfully help them to speak not against your Word through false teachings decieving and leading others astray around the world help them to seek the truth of your...