Praying to You Jesus that the public will fully know details about a case (or cases) which might implicate the royals or leaders of first world nations of evils towards children. Lord fight for these little ones who have no voice. Bring justice in Jesus name Amen
Hello everyone,
Here's another prayer request.
I am serving in the Young Adults Ministry as one of the leaders. I also have a discipleship class every Saturday. I also serve in the Finance Ministry at our church and soon will be going back to Praise and Worship Ministry. The thing is, i always...
Please pray for my siblings who need jobs. Also for my parents' home to get some repairs. And please pray for the USA and our leaders. Thank you and God bless.
Pray for onboarding and relief from work that everyone is placed according and that things work smoothly. Pray for leaders in my business and blessings.
My Lord, I pray for President Trump, Mike Pence, everyone in office at the White House, Secretary General etc. Please bring peace and order in the White House. Please guide our leaders and bless them with heavenly wisdom to guide and govern my country. Especially protect them and their families...
Please pray for my siblings who are seeking jobs. Please pray that my parents can get some badly-needed repairs on their home. Please pray for the leaders of the USA at all levels, President, state, cities, as they deal with many crises at once (COVID-19, economic, financial, rioting, etc.)...
Please pray for my siblings who are seeking jobs. Please pray that my parents can get some badly-needed repairs on their home. Please pray for the leaders of the USA at all levels, President, state, cities, as they deal with many crises at once (COVID-19, economic, financial, rioting, etc.)...
When you stand on your faith, there is always hope. Where there is hope, there is a chance for a miracle to happen. We can have peace no matter what the outcome is. If we trust God and His will, we know that it is what is best even though we may never comprehend it. With that said, I find my...
Lord I pray that those who are using violence, evil intentions and cloak themselves as light be exposed for what they are. May these people and groups defeat themselves by confusion, fighting amongst themselves and by speaking in unconscious confession to what is in their dark hearts. Lord shine...
I need you to pray for I am very weak nowadays, dont to commit sins like adulteries and many other sins in my life, I need to be strong and be God fearing man. Pray that God might give me power to win the battles againist satan and forgive me. Please. I am very strong christian and leaders but...
Hi. Pray for school children who are going back to school in South Africa and the parents. Pray for the deparment of education at large. Pray for our leaders.
Please pray for my siblings who need jobs. And for the USA, safety of everyone and property, and PEACE, and wisdom for our leaders. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Lord, please hear my prayers from my heart. Bless the families that are hurting from the lost life of their son, George F. I ask that the healing will begin today. I am praying for peace. Let the violence that has erupted with so much angry and hatred too stop. I am praying for calmness and...
Praying for God's guidance in every decision I make .Lord give me that spirit of discernment that I ought to have. Keep watch over our leaders that they do what is right and right in your sight this day and always. I plead the blood of Jesus over my family and every family in Jesus wonderful...