last time

  1. Epakopon

    I am going to be like a ...

    I am going to be like a persistent Widow who kept going to the judge to avenge her adverseries. I am asking for prayers that my settlement in the United Kingdom to be granted. The last time I checked was told they were considering and that was some months ago. Please let us agree that it should...
  2. Patriotic_2020

    Lord I saw myself in the mirrow ...

    Lord I saw myself in the mirrow I need to lose weight Lord pleases help me to do that I am riding station bike and doing excersises every nite and taking apple cider vinger to with honey..praying it works Lord I am feeling sort of out of sorts do not know why help me to feel better Lord and I...
  3. Joy20

    God I'm so sad that Rachael didn't ...

    God I'm so sad that Rachael didn't work next door today! Also, I don't like to wait until Tuesday to text her about coming to visit her sometime this week!!!! Today, I'm not doing much work. I have church tomorrow morning and also I have to wait until tomorrow to mow at the cabins since the...
  4. Articles

    Today's Verse - Psalm 9:2 (KJV)

    I will be glad and rejoice in thee: I will sing praise to thy name, O thou most High. —Psalm 9:2 (KJV) Thoughts on Today's Verse... When was the last time you made up a song? The last time you made up a song of praise to God? Worried that you can't do it? Don't think it will be good? Don't...
  5. Bryonylande

    I need serious help I have no ...

    I need serious help I have no job covid took everything from me.anyone willing to help me I will be glad I can't recall the last tome I had ameal help me.
  6. George Ann Auzenne

    Continue to uplift my son and others

    Dear Heavenly Father, I'm coming to you and your precious son Jesus Christ name. Father like so many next week will be the last time that they will receive the unemployment benefits which will not only affect them, but also my son Chris and he have been getting offers but he has no internet...
  7. natasha2

    Voluminous luxuriant strong thick hair; reversing of gray hairs

    Extra voluminous luxuriant strong healthy hair like it used to be couple months ago. Not fragile but strong, not thin but thick hair. New hairs growing. Reversing of gray hairs (to much of it in the last time). Probably stressful events in the last 2 years. Vitamins, minerals and proteins and...
  8. Anonymous

    Hi ty for praying for me I ...

    Hi ty for praying for me I am a f/t college student at secular college… it is known in a natural way that I am a committed Christian … there is a confirmed third generation tarot card shop owner and looking like possible whitchcraft students in class… your prayers for me have been powerful and...
  9. Articles

    Today's Verse - Hebrews 13:2 (KJV)

    Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. —Hebrews 13:2 (KJV) Thoughts on Today's Verse... What do you you do to welcome new neighbors into your neighborhood or apartment complex? How warmly do you personally welcome visitors at your church or...
  10. an earthly being

    Please lord , im getting scared as ...

    Please lord , im getting scared as my exams are coming next week . Please lord help me prepare for exam . Please help me concentrate and work hard .. help me get good memory power .. please lord heal my right arm , im having pain in my hand which is preventing me from writing properly . Please...
  11. Anonymous

    Pray for me

    I've been getting bad dreams regarding my performance at work and i feel that my dreams have some meaning (it's happened before in the past). The last time I posted here was for a job because I was fired from my very first one. I'm still learning the ropes at this new one (thanks to those who...
  12. Doxeliage


    Hi all asking for your prayers please my finances passed away there on the 1st of july he passed away right before my very eyes the funeral is on the 26th of July at 1 30 pm I'm just waiting for a phone call from his sister janet to tell me when there going to remove the body from the mortuary...
  13. Mnurbng

    I graduated school for the last time ...

    I graduated school for the last time a year ago July 2020. I have had no success in finding a job in my new profession. Apparently there are too many entering this field. It seems that the only ones get jobs right away know someone. I feel like I shouldn’t care about that because I know God. I...
  14. Habath

    Please pray with us for our son ...

    Please pray with us for our son Jonathan 20 yrs, he has mental problems like anxiety attacks and depression, he takes medicine antidepressants which make his psyche worse and he drinks really a lot of alcohol in last time. His behavior is worse nad worse, he behaves sometime like as he is...
  15. Fiaram

    Good morning, pray for me I need ...

    Good morning, pray for me I need my energy to come back I lost a lot of energy when I was sick, and even I need total healing, financial through, last time someone promised to gives me one million but he has not yet sent for me so pray for me I get the money
  16. Articles

    Today's Verse - 1 Corinthians 15:25-26 (KJV)

    For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. —1 Corinthians 15:25-26 (KJV) Thoughts on Today's Verse... How many times have you stood over the grave of a recently departed friend or loved one? When was the last time you...
  17. Inhad

    I have come again womenAnd men of ...

    I have come again womenAnd men of God Last time I failed to send , I want to know how pray to understand The bible when I read it And I do not want the bad spirits that make people do wrong to our God instead the good and so please help me.
  18. Sillisa

    This is very tough for me to ...

    This is very tough for me to say here. To ask for something I can't even accept myself properly but...I trust that others will understand it. Two days back was the last time I heard from my boyfriend and yesterday I got the news about his death. I loved him with all my heart and the
  19. Sharthyr

    Good morning sir/ma, I'm believing God for ...

    Good morning sir/ma, I'm believing God for a prompt approval of my visa appeal to go join my husband in Dublin. The appeal got to the Ireland embassy in Dublin 10th of July, 2020. I pray that God in his mighty power has broken protocol for my sake. The last time I saw my husband physically was...
  20. Ramunas


    I want to ask for prayer, protect myself and the car, because at work because I don't steal from technical fuel and I said that colleagues are stealing it they started to damage my equipment, equipment, things are missing and today I found a screw in my own car tire and scratched one side even...
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