Famine all over the world has arrived just as Jesus mention on the last days terrible famine and pestilences shall come. Luke 21, 10,11 so let us all prepare ourselves to see Jesus coming in the clouds in majesty and great glory to take us all home to heaven.
To expensive to buy food.
We're now having earthquakes almost daily in different places,.All prophesied as signs of the last days.Yet we're still here. It's moving too slowly for me.
God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds.
—Hebrews 1:1-2 (KJV)
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
God is a...
1 2 kjv thoughts
country: reserved
great prophets
holy bible new international version
holy father
international bible society
sundry times
written record
zondervan publishing house
We hear that in the last days,there will be earthquakes, etc. as a sign that things are winding down towards the end.But honestly... for someone as impatient as me who can't wait to get out of this stupid irrational world,it's entirely too slow. Gods "birth pangs' are as ineffectual as a 6 year...
Would you all please pray that my church will be full of the glory of God almighty and lost souls will come in and get saved and be on their way to heaven. We are in the last days before Jesus comes back to take us all home to glory, let us all be in prayer and asking for salvation of our loved...
I have asked for your support in prayer. For my dog Mon amour who has already cured of colitis but not of Cystitis. She can't pee well she has severe pain. She is weak and sometimes. She looks like she won't be able to get up and she is down. Sometimes it improves a lot she leaks sometimes. In...
My dog Mon amour has colitis and cystitis. She can't pee well she got swollen. She is weak and sometimes. She looks like she won't be able to get up and she is down. Sometimes she improves, she leaks and dirty and stinks the whole apartment surely the smell bothers the neighbors. In the last...
The Book of Revelation says about the last days"Woe to the earth and to the sea, for the devil has come down to you, having great wratyh, knowing he has a short amount of time". Seeing how "the bottom has fallen out" on certian things in my own life, with others. and in the world in general, I...
so much goes on reminding my self God does not give us any thing we cant handle it need more patience when it comes to having to be responsible for others care so i am working on having patience with my moms roof leaks and getting it fixed so she can live her last days in her home so thanking...
We are living in the last days before Jesus comes back to earth. False teachers and preachers shall come in and deceive many. Do not be the one deceived and heading to hells burning fire.
O Lord deliever us from false teachers.
My prayer today is to ask God to grand me the gift of seeing visions and prophecing through prayer and fasting. It has always been my heavenly wish to prophecy. For the Bible says in Acts 2:17, In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people; your sons and daughters will...
I have been posting the last month saying the usual spiritual warfare has got worse the reopening of CERN on the 5th of July. It was very oppressive and I noticed on YouTube that many other Christians were struggling. It is getting better now, I have had a couple of great breakthroughs when it...
country: united kingdom
demonic attachment
drowning man
great breakthroughs
many drugs
many other christians
one unspoken thanks
usual spiritual warfare
I have been posting the last month saying the usual spiritual warfare has got worse the reopening of CERN on the 5th of July. It was very oppressive and I noticed on YouTube that many other Christians were struggling. It is getting better now, I have had a couple of great breakthroughs when it...
country: united kingdom
demonic attachment
drowning man
great breakthroughs
many drugs
many other christians
one roll
one unspoken
usual spiritual warfare
Hi I'm 55 having financial, physical and emotional issues. I need and want GOD'S Total healing deliverance and direction for my life. I seem to be little overwhelmed with these last days. I feel desperate, alone and abandoned 😞 for various reasons. As I live alone and Always alone.💧I broke my...
Dear Heavenly Father, According to your will, please restore your peace upon me and help me through this time of overwelming hurt and lonliness, I desire to meet a Christian companion, but only in the lord. Lord help me to walk closer to you and never to fall away from you in these last days, in...
Dear saints of God, please pray that our church will be full of the glory of God the Father, that all needs will be supplies and that lost souls will come to know Jesus. We are living in the last days before the coming of our dear Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. I continue to wait for Him. I my...
These souls are lost and leading people stray and we need to pray for them so Jesus will show them the right way to worship the Lord. They have modern 12 disciples living and runing the church and discard those who followed the Lord. Joseph Smith is their only prophet and there is none else...
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ. Please pray for revival in all our churches. We are living in the last days before the Lord will come to earth to take us all home to heaven. Let us all be in prayer and ask the Lord to save the lost souls and protect those who are living and serving the Lord.
Lord Jesus please fight our battles. Please give us victory. Continuing to ask for strong protection, deliverance, healing and salvation (those who are not saved) and the outpouring of your Spirit in these last days. Asking for us and all in need. Thank you and praise you. In your holy name I...