lanni family

  1. Anonymous

    Lord keep this lanni family away from ...

    Lord keep this lanni family away from all my family members , keep them away from my wife , kids and all family . What ever evil they sow let it go back to them or be blessings for us . In Jesus name we pray .
  2. Anonymous

    May God change the whole Lanni family, ...

    May God change the whole Lanni family, no more evil as of today , lord stop all evil from that family , where they want evil only blessings from god will happen . Change them today in Jesus name . Thank you for praying .
  3. Anonymous

    May God change the whole Lanni family, ...

    May God change the whole Lanni family, no more evil as of today , lord stop all evil from that family , where they want evil only blessings from god will happen . Change them today in Jesus name . Thank you for praying .
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