I have been looking for accommodation for a while now but it’s been so hard for the landlords to let me stay. I have today to confirm my accommodation and the new landlord is being tough with all the details she needs that I have provided. I pray God touches the heart of this landlord and agent...
Praying I will be able to move I'm living in a apartment where the landlords are slumlords my whole apartment flooded and they not doing anything about it.
Lord stop the success of landlords or any of their family members or friends or people they try to pay, from interfering with whatever a tenant might be doing that you have asked of them. In Jesus name I pray Amen 🙏🙏🙏
please pray for my friend Maria & fly. The landlords had filed a case against them. her husband is living there for more than 60 years and before that his parents were living in the same house. everything was in their favour but the last minute the judge gave the decision in favour of the...
Lord my son Anthony has been out of my home and on his own since he was 19 years old. He's now in his 30's. He has never asked for any help from me. I've been praying that you help him find a new place to live because his landlords sold the apartment he was in. Anthony is now living with me...
Lord my son Anthony has been out of my home and on his own since he was 19 years old. He's now in his 30's. He has never asked for any help from me. I've been praying that you help him find a new place to live because his landlords sold the apartment he was in. Anthony may have to come live with...
Lord my son Anthony has been out of my home and on his own since he was 19 years old. He's now in his 30's. He has never asked for any help from me. I've been praying that you help him find a new place to live because his landlords sold the apartment he was in. Anthony may have to come live...
Pray for things to go smoothly Monday nov 1 st I hate missing work n pray things go smoothly so we can get back to apartment asap n pray my landlords don't do anything stupids n not be nosy and spray my apartment first n be done n pray we go back to apartment fast
My daughter Markelle has been given a voucher for a section 8 rental house, the landlords that she talked to will not accept section 8 tenants. The houses that she has found she cannot afford 1,200.00 per month. She need to find a house or apartment in a timely matter. We need help now.
Need prayers my landlords is finally spraying n I pray it Nov 1 st at 9 am fyi he wait the last minute to tell me anything n I shouldn't have to miss work n I refuse to get a motel cause rent is due around the corner Pleass pray that the landlords well do it nov 1 st at 9 am i can't wait for...
I am tied of itching n tied of sores n tied my landlords promise me to spray my apartment but Instead he lies n be nosy instead I been faithful for 13 yrs he don't appreciate me he got to stop being a slum n take responsibility n do his job n stop letting apartment 1 n 2 do whatever they want I...
I need your prayers our landlords for warehouse just called he saying it's it might be a link in our building if it he charge us 700 and going up on rent - need your prayers
Please pray that my landlords well start fixing stuff he promise me he well take care the bugs n promise he fix my ceiling n FYI he better not blame me I pray he be a better landlord n stop trying to make me pay for something I didn't do
Pray I can pick up xtra hours next week Wednesday Friday Saturday Sunday at jc Penny Pray my landlords stop being a slum he should be In Trouble for not doing his job and taken the rent for whatever he wanted n not repair etc Pray bed bugs go away so tied of them n don't have the xtra money to...
Need prayer Pray the bed bugs go away So tied of them n my landlords refuse to fix my ceiling n give me bug spray Pray carrielynn sleep better at nite n pray for Heidi there xtra hours this week at jc Penny Wednesday Friday Saturday Sunday I really could use the xtra hours I am so tied of...
Pray sandy won't lie n tell the truth n stop letting apartment 1 n 2 do what they want pray terry be a better landlords n fix my ceiling n give me bug spray
Pray my landlords fix my ceiling i plead the blood over my apartment it shouldn't be leaking I been faithful on paying rent n I pray he gives us spray for the bed bugs Pray the landlord stop letting apt 1 n 2 do properly demage I pray the truth be revil
Can I get prayer someone is in my attic n putting water on it n my ceiling leaking when I ask the landlords to fix it he say he not fixing it not his fault it mine n going to make me pay for it or take me to court n threaten me with eviction I been a faithful tenant for 13 yrs he got to step up...