
  1. Anonymous

    Open doors for me to find money ...

    Open doors for me to find money , and find a camper to move on the lake ! and get off my mom’s property ! Please hep me to find this pretty Quickly !
  2. Ykshyth

    Open doors for me to find money ...

    Open doors for me to find money , and find a camper to move on the lake ! and get off my mom’s property ! Please hep me to find this pretty Quickly !
  3. Guardian

    I need an answer to This is ...

    I need an answer to this question . If someone used to do bad sinful things but has stopped and repented and found Jesus and lives a good life now will they be saved or thrown into the lake of fire in the second death? I read the bible and it says people even ones who repented and accepted...
  4. Saraha

    PRAISE REPORT Heavenly Father thank you for ...

    PRAISE REPORT Heavenly Father thank you for the people who helped out the duck in the lake that was tangled in fishing line. After a visit to the vet the duck was well enough and released today where they caught her. Thank you Father for the people who came together to help her out. Thank you...
  5. Steven Bobb

    Whats the difference between being busy and ...

    Whats the difference between being busy and being in hell?6 of one, 1/2 a dozen of the other. In hell you're "tormented day and night forever and ever." When you're busy, you're tormented day and night forever and ever.Busyness and hell are synonyms. I deal with busyness, and see the...
  6. csaaphill

    I thank you Jesus that those that ...

    I thank you Jesus that those that are trying to force me to quit you as my Lord and Savior, will not succeed, and will soon be in prison or repent and or be in the lake of fire if they don't repent.
  7. csaaphill

    Wait evil gangstalker you invade with your ...

    Wait evil gangstalker you invade with your evil signal, and you have the gall to accuse me of some stupid song that if you were truly going to finish you would have already. now you either invade my computer with your voice to try and take over my psalms? You need to repent now or it's the lake...
  8. Chaner

    Dear God please I pray that you ...

    Dear God please I pray that you remove this bad dreams in my head ,the dream of swimming in a lake, the dream of someone giving me a dust bin ,father if it's a good dream let your will be done but if its abad dream I rebuke it in the mighty name of Jesus christ, please God cover me with the...
  9. Numre

    Dear Lord, Please send down Minstering Angels ...

    Dear Lord, Please send down Minstering Angels to be patrolling The SpongeBob SquarePants Fanbase, to be coming after The Demons and Devil behind The SpongeBob SquarePants Fanbase casting them into the Lake of Fire and to replaces The SpongeBob SquarePants Fanbase with Kids and Teens finding...
  10. Banfean

    Br. Vargies pls pray for me. Blocks ...

    Br. Vargies pls pray for me. Blocks everywhere way to house narrow blocked by neighbor. Rainy season because of water like lake on my way can't go out even to buy food stuffs. That time going to another neighbor property she don't like quarrels. Pray God to open a proper way to enter vehicle...
  11. bmicah05

    Today I am having a Sunday school ...

    Today I am having a Sunday school lesson for 5th graders thru 8th graders. I am going to talk about hell and the lake of fire a little bit. Please pray I can follow the Comforters guidance.
  12. Bavonris

    Lord I come boldly to you asking ...

    Lord I come boldly to you asking demanding the clarity and the cream to be set free from these uterine fibroids and chronic migraines I take them and I throw them into the lake of fire where they'll burn for eternity and they will have no part in my body from the top of my head to the soles of...
  13. Bartusexyn

    Pray for everyone to keep your eyes ...

    Pray for everyone to keep your eyes on Jesus today and to thank him for saving us from the lake of fire.Love you all. He's coming back , ,,Rejoice Amen
  14. Tiptalille

    Good morning and thanks you for all, ...

    Good morning and thanks you for all, I want you to prayer for my call,i lake to work for God with my Heart.because in continent. Not Good man for work for God
  15. Ojarnarr

    Thank you for prayers against demonic attacks ...

    Thank you for prayers against demonic attacks for they are helping. Please continue to come into agreement with me that devils and demons are cast down to hell and are bound there until Jesus returns to judge the earth and to cast devils and demons into the lake of fire. Again, thank you and God...
  16. Anonymous

    Christians be attact by the Devil.

    Jesus Keep Me & my family in divine health. no weapon Formed against us shall proper. Devil is a liar. I rekuke satan your demons and amps I bind you with blood of Jesus and throw into the lake of fire. What the devil does for evil Jesus turns it to good for us. In Name of Jesus Christ AMEN.
  17. Anonymous

    MY LORD pls save me from hell ...

    MY LORD pls save me from hell pls save me from the lake of fire pls save me from the 2nd death. Pls have mercy.
  18. Anonymous

    Devil Attacks Christians

    The Devil is a liar. God go before us and fight our battle. In Jesus Christ Amen, AMEN, AMEN. I. Rebuke you Satan your demons and imps I bind you with the blood of Jesus Christ and throw you in the lake of fire, no weapon against us shall prosper, By God stripes we are healed. In the name of...
  19. Anonymous

    Thteating text messages

    Holy Spirits go before me and fight my battles. No weapon formed against me shall proper. Satan is a liar i rebuke his demons and imps I bind you with the blood ofJesus. Christ and throw you in lake of fire In the Jesus Christ AMEN!
  20. Anonymous

    I I pray that is not the ...

    I I pray that is not the case that he is safe and if it is I pray the wrath of God will come down or whoever has him in the name of Jesus Christ AMEN. I rebuke you Satan your demons and amps I find you with the blood of Jesus and throw you into the Lake of Fire. I cancel and Destroy every...
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