In second Peter we read that God is taking His time with the end coming because Hes not willing that any should perish but that all should attain to repentence.However,God knows not everyone will be saved.Hes at the Great White Throne Judgement to sentence those."And whoever name was not found...
Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire. Amen In Jesus name I pray Father in the name of Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, let your will be done in Jesus name I pray. Holy Ghost fire on this prayer.
Mercy Jesus Mercy. I am saved by the blood of...
Someone named ### is tormenting me with witchcraft. Send her to the lake of burning fire God. She's an unrepentant witch who has been manipulating me my entire life.
I have retired in 2014 moved to this home in 2018. We didn’t expect to be drawn into a lake of hatred by one neighbor who constantly starts trouble for no apparent reason. She’s a single young lady who said she is a nurse yet she released her dog, his head went through a hole in her fence and...
Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear.
But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”
“Lord, if it’s you,” Peter...
Good morning, I like to repent and confess all my sexual sins to you all, and pray that I will not die in Hell or the lake of fire or eternally separated from Jesus our lord.
My name is ###. It is not about getting caught and confessing, it is about true repentance and not doing it again!
I have been diagnosed with endometrial cancer and I'm having trouble trusting everything will be ok. Please pray that the cancer can be cured. Also, that I will live the rest of my life, however long it is, according to what Jesus wants and not my will. I have been very self-centered and not...
I was tricked into trauma based therapy, which is just 24/7 demonic attacks and the removal of the Holy Spirit. Please pray that everyone who deceived me would be sent to the lake of burning fire.
Satanists are threatening to hurt my dog or bragging that they hurt my dog who is living with my ex-girlfriend. Pray to send them to the lake of burning fire.
Wisdom ..we read if anyone takes the mark of the beast(antichrist) they will go to the lake of fire.Understood.HOWEVER ,I wonder ...not everyone will be conscious when the antichist comes to power.Ive thought what about someone who was in a car accident and is in a coma then before coming out of...
Ok let's see if this seeming contradiction can be straightened out.According to 2 Peter the reason for the (unbearable to me)delay in destroying the old world and creating the new one is He is not willing that any should perish but that all should repent.But if God is also infinite wisdom...
Demonic spirits have been keeping me up every night tormenting me and not letting me sleep. Please pray that God sends them to the lake of burning fire.
I am being attacked by witches. I just woke up to them injecting me with some sort of poison. Please pray for my health and pray that God sends them to the lake of burning fire.
Please help me and jd bond and start communicating better with each other. Help jd want to spend time with me. Go for a walk together, sit by the lake, and more. Please help him try to be understanding and try to see things differently. Help him be open-minded to trying new things. He's very...