God please reveal to me personally that Jesus is King the Christ just like you did Simon Peter. As I listen I have examined myself and see that I fail the test of true faith. Please have mercy on me
Father God in the worthiness of Jesus the king of kings and Your precious son's name and blood forgive All of my debts, promises, and mistakes please give me a new beginning as if I never messed up. Please bless me with what You already have and continue to bless me with it by Your grace and...
Lord Jesus, Please give confidence that you will do what you said. In Jesus Name Amen You are my source. You are the King, you are the beginning and the end the Holy and Righteous One. I trust you to bring me confidence, for the sake of our family. Thank you!
O lord the king of kings, lord of lords, i am that i am, the ominopotent and ominiscience o lord God As i kneel before your throne of mercy please forgive me o lord I know i have committed a sin by being sexually impure, lord please i am really young and not ready to be pregnant o lord please i...
Jesus alone as King of kings and Lord of lords is worthy of all glory, worthy of all praise, worthy of all honor. He was sent by God Himself to save us, cleanse us, purify our heart and at the end of our life on earth we shall dwell with Him in glory for ages to come.
The biggest tragedy in...
King Jesus I come to you seeking revelation to come on about the double portion that is in the blood of Jesus. I want you to take all of my shame and humiliation. I want you to clothe me with garments of salvation and wrap me in a robe of righteousness. Wash me in your revelation light. Please...
My prayer, on this day "help O Lord, king of kings, Lord of Lords to grant freedom from the chains of this heavy debt of money, thank you Lord. In the name of Jesus, I pray, amen."
Immortal invisible God Faithful One, You are my King. You are god all by yourself. Forever you are the same. There is none like you. Infallible God, there is none like you. Amen
Heavenly Father, please may You lift off this discouragement off of my heart. Strengthen me King Jesus, restore the joy of my salvation. Destroy all the lies of the enemy in my head trying to discourage. Give me the enthusiasm for life and fill me up with Your Joy each day Father.
May God bless each one of those wonderful prayer warriors who pray for everyone who needs the touch the hand of the Lord. Our choir was wonderful. Thank you for praying for each one of them. Majesty, worship His majesty, Jesus who died, now glorified King of all kings. Wonderful song they sung.
Thank you my Lord,all the glory belongs to you, you are worth of all the praises.I worship your name and bless your name.I glorify your name, you are the same God today, tomorrow and forever.I surrender all for you my heavenly Father, take control of my life, be my King,my saviour for the rest...
All the praise,all the glory,all the power we give them back to King Jesus.My name is Franklin.i’m a last born in my family.i have been struggling for years to get a normal life.my story is too long. I recognize that i am a sinner and i realy need the grace of God to come into my life.My prayer...
Oh Father God, in the name of Jesus, I would like to ask to heal every person that I hurt during my foolishness phase of my life. O, Father please forgive me for many sins through the Blood of Your beloved Son, Jesus, the King of kings and Lord of lords. Thank You Father in Jesus name I prayed amen
Let us all ask Jesus today wherever you are... How did You blessed my life today, yesterday and how will You bless me in the future... If we do that long enough and with deep faith, we will find ourselves remembering all the blessings Jesus has sent our way.
He is exalted the King is exalted...
Let us all bow down before the Lord Jesus Christ, our dear Savior and Lord. So, let us all exalt His holy name. Magnify, come glorify Christ Jesus the King. The Lord delights in the praises of His people. Please God, send revival in all our churches. Revive us again and again, fill us with the...
Oh Father God, in the name of Jesus, I would like to ask to heal every person that I hurt during my foolishness phase of my life. O, Father please forgive me for many sins through the Blood of Your beloved Son, Jesus, the King of kings and Lord of lords. Thank You Father in Jesus name I prayed amen
Blessed be the name of the LORD 👑 KING of KINGS LORD of LORDS my name is Audley Reid and a Christian living in Jamaica 🇯🇲 but for all I've done or tried it has never worked and I really need a breakthrough at every church that I've been to I'm being ostracized called an obeah man and also kicked...
Please bring us back together. Please Lord do not keep us apart, neither of us are perfect, we are human, we error but please do not keep us apart. Please have my ex reach out to me this month so we can rebuild what should have never ended. I will obey, honor and care for them to the best of my...