Jesus thank you so much for my son's teacher giving him another chance on his test. Please let him stay awake this time and take it seriously. Please let him also do well at karate and let him not get hurt. Also, please let my sister respond to my messages. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please help my son he had a bug on him at the bus stop and I am not sure if I got it or not and am worried about him because he is very tired. Please help him remember everything today and let us have the strength to go to karate. Please also let my mother in law be able to change her...
Jesus please let me be ok and not too hot today. My health cannot handle this heat. Please do not let the workers show up yet to do our windows. I am not ready yet. Please let me figure out a way to organize the house so they can get in here to do their work. Please let my son stop staying up so...
Jesus please let my son and I feel better and be able to go to karate tomorrow. Please help my husband be able to fix his car and let us be able to clean the house for the repairman who are coming. Thank you Jesus, Amen
Jesus please.let my son stay awake and do well on his test today. Please also let him realize he needs to study more, and let him go to karate. Please let my husband be able to leave work early Friday for our plans. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please let my son find his missing cost. Please let him take his guitar tests and do well. Please let him cooperate about going to karate. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please let my son do well on his quiz today. Please let my husband stop spending so much money and let him get his bonus. Please also let my son go to karate and there not be any problems from today. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please let my father not cancel lessons for my son for karate. Please let my sons teacher still grade his assignment..please let our car get fixed..please let my son behave and stop falling asleep in school. Please let our car get fixed. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please let my father not cancel lessons for my son for karate. Please let my sons teacher still grade his assignment..please let our car get fixed..please let my son behave and stop falling asleep in school. Please let our car get fixed. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please help my husband at work he is starving and tired and no place to take a break. Please also dont let my father stop paying for my son's karate he needs it. Please let us figure out a way to get car fixed. Please also let the horrible thing my neighbor said to me today about us not...
Jesus please let my son do well on his testing today, and practice his guitar and karate. Please let my mother in law get her medicine. Please let my husband give me the money I need for bills. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please help my son at school today. Please let him do well in his classes and not lose anything and also please let his test go well and his test in karate as well..please also let my husband be nicer to me and let his work schedule change back to what it was. Please also help depression...
Jesus please help my sister's cat. He has a lump and she is very worried about him. Please also let my son do well on his test today and at karate (he has to perform). Please let him remember everything and let the instructors we nice to him, even though he was not nice last week. Please let my...
Jesus please let my son practice his karate. I can't get him to do it and he has a test tomorrow..please also let my husband's toll show up on the website so we can pay it. I think they are purposely keeping it from him so he can get fines and fees assessed. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please let my package stop moving. I don't want to have to deal with yet another company and issue and I paid for expedited delivery. They won't even write me back. Please at least let them respond. Also, please let me feel better. I am so tired and have no energy. Also, please let my son...
Jesus please let my son do well at school and karate today ame also let my benefits somehow be restored, or at least an explanation as to why they were cut. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesua please help my son at karate today and please let my paperwork ve received and reviewed about my assistance. Please also let me be able to reapply tomorrow and start fresh and let me get a nice person to help me or at least let me be able to figure it out on my own..Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please let my son stop touching his nose and mouth because of germs. Please let him do well at karate today. Please let us all be ok in this heat. Please heal these weird marks on my arm. Please let me get in touch with someone about my benefits and hopefully get them restored. Thank you...