
  1. Lighlon

    Good morning pastor Sam God bless you ...

    Good morning pastor Sam God bless you please pray for my first daughter by name Juliet to be focused in life thanks
  2. Iscur

    Praise God man of God please pray ...

    Praise God man of God please pray for my sister inlow something is suckling her blood making her body white its now two months she is Auma Juliet from Tororo
  3. Pelonulli

    I pray to Jehovah to give us ...

    I pray to Jehovah to give us children...please Help us with your prayers... Francis and Juliet Onwueme. Living in Lagos, Nigeria
  4. Luguun

    Juliet from bulawayo Zimbabwe.. plz pray for ...

    Juliet from bulawayo Zimbabwe.. plz pray for heart disease that is causing kidney disorder, swollen legs, back pain and viscose veins making it hard to walk
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