I am pastor dinesh from sri lanka. man of god i am watching emmanule tv since 2006. (since 22 year old). i want to serve to god like prophet t.b joshuva. its mean annointing and effective serve in sri lanka. please praye for me serve to god like tb joshuva. i riseve the annointing in jesus name...
Pastor Tb joshua pray for my grandmother who is parralised by stroke and right now is not walking and also my father who is not wanted his family and his doing job but coming home empty hand to feed the family.And also for me on my education.God answer me amen amen.
Good morning and win today, am re requesting for prayers, by the end of month am closing my job and I don't know what to do with my life, no income, I can't afford to pay for rent. God of tb joshua intervene
Please pray for my wife Mary working in saudi Arabia for blessing in work,for my daughter Nissy studying PHARMACY,for my son joshua studying in +1for blessing in studies.kerala India
Please pray for my wife Mary working in saudi Arabia for blessing in work,for my daughter Nissy studying PHARMACY, for my son joshua studying +1for blessing in studies.kerala India
Contact pastor TB Joshua for prayers and deliverance, his WhatsApp number is +2349020585031 he prayed for me and I was heal from Covid 19. I didn’t go to the doctor.
Hi SF prayer team, I am praying for financial providence to buy a van for my business. Please join me in prayer that God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit will make a way for me. God bless. Joshua
Good morning prophet T.B Joshua I am oluwasegun Gabriel odunewu,my wife is diagnosed with gestational trophoblastic disease which is cancerous in nature, she has taken several chemotherapy treatment which her liver cannot condole again.our consultant now gave us option of surgery to remove the...
My name is Elejere bonaventure obinna, I'm from Enugu state, I'm having stomach ulcer since 2018 I need healing from God through senior prophet TB joshua 🙏🙏🙏 I believed I will be healed,+2347033124173.
My prayer request to the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth Is for my son Abel Godgift Johnson health to be restored. He going mad. Father God Almighty I seeking your intervintion. Prophet T. B. Joshua please pray for me and that of my son in Jesus Name
Good morning prophet TB Joshua good morning prayer member please help me in prayer I am in prison for 3 years my courts decided to give me fine to be free form prison please help me in prayer to get the fine in Jesus name amen I know your god can do it for me in the name of jesus Christ amen
Good morning prophet tb Joshua. I hope you are doing great today, actually I would like to reguest for a deliverance prayer regarding the curse of unemployment in my family I know that we are not born to be like this so please pray for my family and friends and break this joke of the enemy. My...
Good morning, my name is Monica from Delta State, I need healing from God through prophet TB Joshua. I have HiV, fibroids, ashma and tuberculosis. I believe God can heal my.
good morning Prophet TB Joshua good morning prayer member please I need your prayer I'm in prison for 3 years now the Court want to give me fine next week please prayer for me to get it in Jesus name and be free in Jesus name not to go back to my sin in Jesus name amen
1)Lord I need my healing, HIV positive will change to HIV NEGATIVE AMEN 2) God pls bless my business i need a business breakthrough 3) I pray for open doors ad favour 4) oh God settled me Martialy I pray for Martial settlement this year June 21,2021 I will gloriously married Amen 🙏 5)i pray for...
good afternoon Prophet TB Joshua good afternoon prayer member please I need your prayer I'm in prison for 3 years now the Court want to give me fine next week please prayer for me to get it in Jesus name and be free in Jesus name not to go back to my sin in Jesus name amen
God of prophet T B jushua help me your my helper and heal me from this sickness and deseas allso free me the bondage Satan free me all afflictions and infamity I shall not die but I will leave to testify your goodness in the land of living am have mercy on me and me please don't let me to die my...
This is between life and death I'm not looking for money I need pastor T. B. Joshua prayer. this issue cannot be discussed online please I desperately need somebody directive thank you and may God bless you. 07051372983