
  1. Maxfyl

    My son Joshua aged 23 years suffers ...

    My son Joshua aged 23 years suffers from epylepsy. Pray with me the spirit leaves him he be freed
  2. Laendroff

    I am by names of WAROM DENIS ...

    I am by names of WAROM DENIS FROM UGANDA WESTNILE REGION IN NEBBI DISTRICT please phrophet TB JOSHUA help me pray for me because ever since i was young up to now my life has been troubled by alot of sufferings and strange things and in some instances i have tried to consult witch doctors but all...
  3. Temred

    Help me am Evans mwewa I ...

    Help me am Evans mwewa I applied for Zambia arm and Zambia national service let the God prophet TB Joshua help
  4. Fazarthorne

    That my son Joshua and wife Caroline ...

    That my son Joshua and wife Caroline be reconciled and not let anyone influence her judgement. I claim these promises. Amen
  5. Anagnios

    Morning ever one pls i am sick ...

    Morning ever one pls i am sick with couch it does not stop and we font have food i need tb jusua to pray for me pls we dont have anything to eat today and
  6. Sambengor

    Emmanuel, Emmanuel, Emmanuel. Man of God please ...

    Emmanuel, Emmanuel, Emmanuel. Man of God please help, help, pray for my dad, the doctor said he has blood cancer and his dieing. Please man of God we need your prayers. His name is Mr. Innocent okwaraku. He has been to synagogue Church many times man of God. Please my senior prophet T. B Joshua.
  7. Exypneuma

    Please pray for my son Joshua. He ...

    Please pray for my son Joshua. He is involved in a bad group where they are drinking and smoking. Off late he has a habit of coming home very late regardless the time. He is also into a habit of selling his clothes including mine and the young sister's clothes. Please, please, I want him to be...
  8. Chadtar

    Emmanuel, Good morning , please help me ...

    Emmanuel, Good morning , please help me pray for my younger brother he's seriously on the sick bed in the hospital ...his diagnosed with hepatitis C which has affected his liver and has cause liver failure please help me pray his been fixed with oxygen due to difficult in breathing, I believe...
  9. Perowarc

    Pray for my son JOSHUA to be ...

    Pray for my son JOSHUA to be delivered from mental sickness
  10. Ymtam

    Pray for me always when I'm going ...

    Pray for me always when I'm going to sleep I'm feared there is something shacking or vibrating in my bed plz Prophet TB JOSHUA deliver me
  11. Numinin

    We are asking God to deliver our ...

    We are asking God to deliver our mum by name Jackline Kukuwa from stroke and severe headache we believe the God of our Father in the Lord Prophet TB Joshua is a healer
  12. Nebrag

    O God of Prophet T. B. Joshua. ...

    O God of Prophet T. B. Joshua. Open the door for me to see your servant senior Prophet T B Joshua one on one in Jesus Christ name
  13. Farfsorpal

    Break through, forgiveness, marriage, healing.

    I want God of Tb Joshua to heal me, forgive me, make me marry, favor from east west north and south and make me to know him more.... And i will serve him for the rest of my life... And help osuji brown children to progress in all they do and also open doors for my brothers and sisters in Jesus...
  14. Farfsorpal

    Healing,break through,forgiveness and marriage.

    I want God of Tb joshua to help me Chiamaka brown,to get break through, forgiveness, marriage and favor from the four corners of the earth and for God to help me to know him more..
  15. Farfsorpal

    I can't sleep at night I see ...

    I can't sleep at night I see skeleton shadows, mascurade face... And if am working or doing anything I feel someone is following every where I go I think they want to use me for a money rituals.. Please am tired of this I can't sleep I can't do anything because am always scared I can't even...
  16. Lushlin

    Hi, Please pray joshua to open up and ...

    Hi, Please pray joshua to open up and evil spell should be broken over his head any sort of witchcraft, or breakup spell so that he can recognize me , please pray for restoration of relationship, and joshua should call me and fix things all my enemies put to shame and please pray god should...
  17. Nymphoo

    Tb Joshua pray for my spiritual life ...

    Tb Joshua pray for my spiritual life for I want to be saved. Setbacks, failure..... Pray for my family to receive jesus as their personal lord and saviour.....Amen
  18. Volval

    please, prophet Tb Joshua, pray for my ...

    please, prophet Tb Joshua, pray for my daughter Miss Favour Chieke, to pass her entrance examination into unity college in Lejja, Nsukka, Enugu state. She will sit for the exam on October, 17,2020.Thanks for your effectual prayer. From Chieke Joseph Chukwutobe, Anambra State
  19. Freyrofay

    Good morning please pray for my child, ...

    Good morning please pray for my child, her hand is swollen and is very painful, right now she is crying because of this pain, it's been a month now, but no difference , I am appealing to you Father almighty to intervene in this situation, man of God TB JOSHUA and your prayer worrious I need your...
  20. Caesilour

    TB Joshua n ur great team. Also, ...

    TB Joshua n ur great team. Also, pls pray for my muslim daughter. As her Christian father I peruaded her to come back but she fell with Blood pressure!
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