
  1. tochieng

    Father God please watch over my son ...

    Father God please watch over my son Jordan and continue to deliver. Please release super natural miracles over my relationships & finances. Protect my job and do your work on my mind & heart healing. In Jesus name I pray. Amen
  2. Hyma

    Please pray for • Silas my 1 ...

    Please pray for • Silas my 1 year old grandson who is having viral fever and tremors. Also please pray for • Jordan my 8 month old grandson who has a viral infection and upset stomach constantly.
  3. Byblexia

    My name is Jordan, please pray for ...

    My name is Jordan, please pray for me that God will have mercy on me and return His Holy Spirit back to me. Also, that my soul and spirit would be restored and made new again. And, that my sleep would be healed and my flesh strengthened.
  4. Urowyn

    I'm Jordan from Papua New Guinea I ...

    I'm Jordan from Papua New Guinea I thank you guys for praying for my little boy Ian yesterday he is trying to get up praise God please I need prayer support Amen
  5. Rocshath

    Please pray Jordan finds a job position ...

    Please pray Jordan finds a job position more suited to her talents.
  6. charisma789

    Hello, please pray for healing and salvation ...

    Hello, please pray for healing and salvation and deliverance for Jordan, Chad. Jason, and all of Abra staff and employees and all of Chrysler staff abs employees
  7. Biddahan

    Salvation for my family

    I asked for prayer for my daughter, Ashley, symphony, and Jordan, that they will receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior to the glory of God our father
  8. Rocshath

    Please pray Jordan finds a new job ...

    Please pray Jordan finds a new job best suited for her capabilities.
  9. Anonymous

    For the happening of marriage of Jordon ...

    For the happening of marriage of Jordon and anjaly
  10. Rocshath

    Please pray my coworker Jordan finds the ...

    Please pray my coworker Jordan finds the best path for her
  11. Kara9

    Please pray fir healing fir Jordan and ...

    Please pray fir healing fir Jordan and Kyle and salvation and deliverance for them too and for Jay too thank you
  12. Futhros


    Please pray for my son Jordan he is on meth and lives with us and becoming very dangerous
  13. Sordios

    Please pray for my son, Jordan. He ...

    Please pray for my son, Jordan. He is very depressed and isolating himself.
  14. Prayeveryday

    Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Please ...

    Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Please pray for Jordan, Laura, Stephen, Tim, Scott, Michael, Daven, Kerwin, Chris, my family, friends, co-workers, loved ones, acquaintances, enemies, my dog, that my truck will keep running safely and reliably, my health, my finances, my new job, and my...
  15. Wyrmogan

    hi please can you pray for my ...

    hi please can you pray for my son jordon he lives with his harth brother brett and every since brett dad came to live with them he has made my son brett unwellcome and my son lives there in his bedroom please can you pray for bretts dad for some were to live he is 65 and brett is son brought him...
  16. Wyrmogan

    hi please can you pray for my ...

    hi please can you pray for my son jordon he is looking for a place to live piease play that it is one to suit him and whot he can aford pleas he s only 24 and he dont no god please can you pray for him
  17. Funfiralea

    Please pray for my son Jordan to ...

    Please pray for my son Jordan to make up his mind about what he wants to do with his future. He is confused and needs to find someone who will help him as he won’t listen to us. Help him to take his future more seriously and decide on whether he wants to study further or continue with his...
  18. tochieng

    Please continue to pray for my son ...

    Please continue to pray for my son Jordan that he may find his joy again & balance in life. Lift him up with your deepest prayers whatever is hurting him God will lift it. God I prayer he will find a safe & healing place to live & know we love him & want him to get help. In Jesus name I pray in...
  19. tochieng

    Please pray fiercely for my son Jordan ...

    Please pray fiercely for my son Jordan I believe he is struggling with addiction & mental health. Please pray in Jesus name he gets help & is kept safe. Father I give him to you know you will heal all broken parts. In Jesus name.. Amen
  20. Eiserchasso

    Bless Jordan he is troubling his parents ...

    Bless Jordan he is troubling his parents guide him the right path he has bad companion show miracles on him lord amen
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