john diaz diaz

  1. Keghtye

    Exposed now thieves plz 😒πŸ˜₯ stolen favod returns

    Exposed now thieves plz 😒πŸ˜₯ stolen favod returns Loosen verse John DIAZ DIAZ thieves byeeeee exposed Rebuke and remove Weird Kyle Albert Paula his Wife weird Stockers weird brat prices people loosen verse Psalm 64:2 Hidden myself my FAM set free πŸ˜‰ corndogs no peace πŸ˜‰ no Shields no power no one...
  2. Keghtye

    No more GRACE

    No more GRACE for anyone in my life my FAM that's not a good thing πŸ˜• Loose verse HAG 1:6 No more holes in my bags my FAM Enrique is well Myles Hass is well everyone greatly are well. Loosen verse John DIAZ DIAZ thieves byeeeee no voice no camera no knees I get a person who can sleep 😴 next to me...
  3. Keghtye

    New person ✨ πŸ’• πŸ’› πŸ’™ πŸ’“ ☺

    I get a new person 😌 because mine doesn't ever put me first on anything and I need everyone to charge WEIRD Kayleena Viss Freeman Hass and a bunch of people sleeping with a bunch of other guys in my air full marriage to sleep with instead of me please clear my marriage air from these wicked...
  4. Keghtye

    No more drama

    I get along with everyone greatly everyone can breathe ✨ πŸ’œ πŸ’• 😊 ❀ near me greatly easily loosen verse John DIAZ DIAZ thieves byeeeee no one can get along with you no peace near the thieves coming against my life and my soul and my FAM souls πŸ’” no more drama Loosen verse HAG 1:6 No more holes drama...
  5. Irinpal

    I get help with my phone bill ...

    I get help with my phone bill so it's can stay on by someone that's a good thing in my 🧬 Life. I get a great BOAZ and my daughter Lizzy we get a great place to live with help from the county doors open wide for me and Lizzy Leilani and Lucas Lizzy I Mama Sharon are all well who is continually...
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