Praise the lord God... For one job am selected but am confused so asked one week to reporting for job plz God show the way and is that job provide from me to u please protect that job to me... Am praying for family protect them and unite them in your name God.. Am praying for land solve in your...
Praise the lord God... For one job am selected but am confused so asked one week to reporting for job plz God show the way and is that job provide from me to u please protect that job to me... Am praying for family protect them and unite them in your name God.. Am praying for land solve in your...
Praise the lord God... For one job am selected but am confused so asked one week to reporting for job plz God show the way and is that job provide from me to u please protect that job to me... Am praying for family protect them and unite them in your name God.. Am praying for land solve in your...
Praise the Lord God.. Am praying for my job plz God from them no reply if possible I can get a reply.. Am praying for family protect them and unite them in your name... Am praying for land solve in your name God... Today we are going to attend a function in that function anybody will not talk...
God, I am praying for a job. If you have planned a job for me, please God, provide me with a job; you know my situation. I am praying for my family: protect them and provide them with your blessing and unite them, God. And stay me away from them... Amen.
God plz help me am totally confused can't understanding regarding job plz show me a way what job u reserved for me show me God... Amen plz God help me am going totally confuse not available to make any decision
God why your not replying for my prayers I know God we make mistakes but God u know financial issue and family pressure for job plz show pitiness on me and provide me a job I known I don't have any ability but money is consider for living in this world God plz God see me and provide me a...
Praise the lord God.... I applied another job also actually am interested in that job plz God saw my application by authorities and contact me soon.. Amen
God help us for tax and registration show us right way stay with family members during tax and registration process is there any scam through process talk to mother and explain to her ... God am praying for job... Know what am suitable to job plz God guide me... Amen
God for property tax & Registration going my family members plz stay with them and guide them to right way... Am praying for job plz God show me mercy... Amen
Praise the lord God... Am praying for family protect them and keep them safe... Am praying for job plz provide a job and I want stay with you plz God listen to my prayers... Amen
Praise the lord God... Am praying for job plz God what job I applied... Am praying for land issue solve in your name God... Am praying for family stay with them and protect them and bring them close to you God believe in you God... Amen
Praise the lord God... Am praying for job God plz God provide me a job.. Am praying I respect others decisions and I will not involve in their life's but why God others interfere in my life and make decisions for me... Am a person I know what will make my life plz God speak to them not interfere...
Praise the lord God... Am praying for my job God plz God show me your word for my job God... Am praying for land issue God from 18 years issue is not solving God plz solve in your name God... Am praying for my family protect them and keep them safe.. Whatever sins we did plz God remove them and...