My sister Jessica is very sick, finding difficult to walk, looses her balance and falls, bad leg pain even when she sits, kindly pray for her to Jesus to heal her
I know that God only hears the prayers of the righteous and I am not in righteousness at the moment so i am reaching out and asking if you could please pray for my wife Jessica she is having a tough day, depressed. So if you could please pray for her to given a garment of praise instead of a...
Pray Jesus so that my daughter Jessica who went away return back to me Ruby her mum as evil has separate us. Father Patrick. Jessica our daughter suffer this separation. Praise you Jesus and thanks for your prayers.
I pray that one day when Jessica is ready that God brings her a loyal man of God that she can marry. I pray that he would be faithful. Loyal. Love her unconditonally, lay his life down for her. Be there for her in every way shape and form and help God restore her faith and pray for her relentlessly.
Please pray for my daughter Jessica She thinks she wants to date a women. Bad relationships with men. Now dating a women. Please pray for her. Thank you lord for hearing our prayers.
Please Lord turn my heart away from selfish gain and incline my heart toward your testimonies,please do this for Jessica and I. Lord we have been inclined toward mammon and have brought things upon ourselves that you never intended for us to know. Please forgive us.
34 Give me understanding, so...
Our Dog Bailey, shes very sick. Can someone please pray for healing and protection from the enemy for her. Can you also pray for protection and healing for Jessica. thank you.