Jehovah I thank you for not letting gangstalkers manipulate my emotions. meaning they with their subliminal messages that they send in the v2k that's being sent to me you will drive it out and not let it have the intended results they would want. Like getting mad doing something I don't want to...
Jehovah to avenge me of a gangstalker kill this person who runs this thing. He lures alleged child predators and shames them on Facebook. Now one of his targets is dead. and this person possibly if they are or were involved in my gangstalking. Blas associated with loyalty makes you family. These...
Jehovah I thank you that I was able to sleep last night even though they the ones sending me illegal signal had other plans. I also thank you for the day and I thank you for answered prayer.
Jehovah I thank you that I was able to sleep last night even though they the ones sending me illegal signal had other plans. I also thank you for the day and I thank you for answered prayer.
I love talking to my lord at any reason bc I know he gone be there for me through all things I need help and knowledge to get back closer to my lord jehovah amen
In the mighty name of my lord and savior. My Elohim my blessed savior my Jevoah my Immanuel my advocate my provider my healer my freedom braker my wonderful counselor my everything I asked for freedom for my son Alex 🙏 I ask for forgiveness for my family and to return my son home to his family...
I thankGod Almighty for his kindness in this Family,I want Jehovah to intervene and bring my brother Osua Simeon safe and alive from where ever he is right now,in Jesus name I pray Amen.
Jehovah Himself i pray for this week O Lord
- may i be able to get a house
- settle things with wildpacks
- get money from hackathon
- pay Champi
- get money for burial support
- miraculous intervention in my student permit
-arrangements towards Tanzania travel
- success for Egypt travel
I pray that Jehovah God Almighty please send me some one too faithfully Love unconditionally for ever & ever through him and his Devine Will in Jesus Christ name Amen…’
Jehovah l want more strength and peace to overcome all the storm in my marriage so that I worship you in spirit and truth l want to worship as lm before marriage in spirit and truth
Eila is having fever. The doctor doesn’t Fond anything. She is just 9 Months old. Please Jehova have mercy. I Pray for healing for my Baby in Jesus Name, Amen.
I Praise you oh God.
I was shortlisted for a teaching job in the country I live. I really need this job to stabilize my finances and get a work permit. Please brothers and sisters pray with me for this opportunity. That God will provide for every challenge. I believe Jehovah is able to answer this prayer and provide...
Thank you Jehovah for today, for my health and thyroid medication. Thank you for washer, dryer, hygiene products. Thank you for food, clothes, shelter. Thank you for my son and helping me with him. Thank you that I have some friends and that I am able to send cards to Forgive and tolerate anyone...
country: united states
dryer hygiene products
fall leaves trees
food clothes shelter
good clients hairstylist business
honor glory
pretty day
toxic people
I wish to thank Jehovah God a great deal. Over the weekend I fell in the worst ditch manmade hole, I was walking in a place where street lights had been switched off and the slab that covers the hole had been removed. One leg fell in the ditch and the other remain. Sunday, my leg and my chest...
Thank you Jehovah for today. Praise Honor Glory to Jehovah!! I have a lot to be thankful for. I wasn't punished for the degree of my sins. In Jesus name Amen