pray for my neighbors that are coming against me, that God will forgive them and I forgive them, pray that God will remove the spirit of jealousy, envy, gossip, witchcraft, and replace it love for him , love for others and there selves. Pray that God will use me as a light to shine to them so...
I need a prayer request for my supervisor cammy she has been picking with me and lying & bullying me and she keeps writing me up because of jealousy because i dont want to become her friend and it is making me uncomfortable since i been on the job for 7 months i need favor with a new supervisor...
-please pray for my husband to be delivered from a lying spirit,illicit relationship with Judy Akech,alcohol -My Daughters to get godly spouses -I may be delivered from bitterness ,unforgiving spirit,envy,jealousy and hatred
Please pray my plans are protected completely from jealousy and interference,and that the sergeant who was harassing me is sacked. They made shocking assumptions and allegations but do not know anything about me at all-please pray I get a formal apology.
Heavenly father pls set me free and save me from all evil eye all covetousness all idolatry all anger all hatred all strife all envy and all jealousy. In JESUS precious name. AMEN.
Hello, please pray for healing for me I am not feeling well and I have to work today. Also please pray for healing for my marriage to my husband Shawn and deliverance from jealousy Nd that he would stop looking at other girls
Please lord give me the strength to make him leave and for me not to forget why. Please let his heart know I love him and forgive him. Please help me shelter the rest of my days in the comfort of you lord. Forgive me for abusing myself and lying. Please forgive me for gluttony. For lying...
Hi, please pray for healing for my emotions and healing for my family and my husband Shawn also that he would have a change of heart and follow God again please pray that God would remove jealousy and envy and help my husband to stop looking at other women all the time thank you
Marrital settlement Financial freedom Business expansion Children My own house My own car Total health for me and my family Spiritual growth Breaking of ancestry curses Take away envy and jealousy.
ancestry curses
car total health
country: nigeria
marital settlement financial freedom business expansion children
spiritual growth breaking
Deliverance from idolatry from evil eye from wickedness from evil from intrusive thoughts from jealousy from hatred from bitterness from stubbornness from combativeness from anger from pride from self pride from selfishness. Heavenly father pls deliver me from all this things and permanently...
Deliverance from idolatry from evil eye from wickedness from evil from intrusive thoughts from jealousy from hatred from bitterness from stubbornness from combativeness from anger from pride from self pride from selfishness. Heavenly father pls deliver me from all this things and permanently...
Asking prayer for a spiritually corrupt and rogue family member engulfed in jealousy and doing all he can to bring me down. Asking the Lord to judge the situation and expose him and the issue, that his works has the opposite effect. That there be no hindrances or retaliation of the enemy.
Holy Spirit continually guide my every thought, lead my husband, kids and I jealousy into our testimonies daily. Connect my sister to her husband. Give my brother chuks a good job and spouse. Give my sister a good job. Bless the work of my hands and my husband too in Jesus Mighty Name
my God,set me free from this victim of witchcrafts,me and my fiancee are under an attack,a stronghold of jelousy,pray for the situation at work,pray for our financial life,health, pray for my childrens.and for peace to reigh in my family.
Asking prayer for a spiritually corrupt and rogue family member engulfed in jealousy and doing all he can to bring me down. Asking the Lord to judge the situation and expose him and the issue, that his works has the opposite effect. That there be no hindrances or retaliation of the enemy.
Asking prayer for a spiritually corrupt and rogue family member engulfed in jealousy and doing all he can to bring me down. Asking the Lord to judge the situation and expose him and the issue, that his works has the opposite effect. That there be no hindrances or retaliation of the enemy.
Asking prayer for a spiritually corrupt and rogue family member engulfed in jealousy and doing all he can to bring me down. Asking the Lord to judge the situation and expose him and the issue, that his works has the opposite effect. That there be no hindrances or retaliation of the enemy.