Prayers once again for Jason he is still in active addiction and needs to get help. Sexual immorality and sexual addiction is a huge problem. I have had contact with him and I see he is delusional and desperately needs delivered from the tight grip the enemy has on him his life and trying...
Please pray for a swift recovery for my mother who has had a small heart attack and is in now in A and E . Please let her return to home very soon and that I can continue to care for her and that she will have more confidence in the situation which can be confusing for us both. Jason in N W England
Good day I just want to thank God for everything and ask for prayers for my children Jason and Janelle for protection devine favor and that God turn tings around for them
Answered prayer Jason responded to me but he's still not in recovery. Prayers for him to go to rehab and his life to be completely transformed and he will put in the work to heal and be in repentance and do whatever it takes to make amends with me and make things right. Pray he never gives up on...
Prayers for Jason to be able to talk to me about whatever it is he wanted to. He has not responded to my replies asking him what he wants. Pray he is ready and willing to go to rehab and to finally get the mental health treatment he desperately needs and be free from drug and sexual addiction...
Please continue to pray for Jason he did not respond to me and tell me what he wanted to talk about. I know this is answered prayers that he's atleast reaching out to me. Pray he's taking accountability for his actions and going to get help. Pray today he let's me know what he wants. He needs...
Prayers. Jason contacted me today and I don't know what he wants. He came by to talk to me but I didn't answer his calls. Prayers for discernment with this. He's strung out on drugs. Prat he's ready to go to rehab.
Praying that the new year brings change into Jason's life and he finally gets free from all his addictions and heals from all the childhood and life trauma. I pray the enemy of his soul is scattered and destroyed. The enablers,participants, and contacts are also scattered and removed. He sees...
Still hoping and praying for Jason to get deliverance from his addictions and make amends and stops doing the things thar are destroying his life, our life together. I pray he will continue to be alone as every person involved in his addictions are removed and he has to figure out his life. He...
Keep praying for Jason for deliverance from addictions, sexual immorality and that his contacts, participants, and enablers. Prayers are working. Pray he gets help and stops all his addictive behaviors. Cause Godly sorrow, conviction fall upon him that leads to repentance. Pray he takes...
addictive behaviors
christmas miracle
country: united states
godly people
godly sorrow conviction
sexual immorality
My prayer is now for a Christmas miracle for Jason to finally be delivered from his addictions once and for all and hold himself accountable for his actions and to do everything he can to make things right with me.
My prayer is now for a Christmas miracle for Jason to finally be delivered from his addictions once and for all and hold himself accountable for his actions and to do everything he can to make things right with me.
Demons are attacking me with rape. They are the familiar spirits of someone named Jason and others. The Jezebel Spirit is a prostitute who calls out to these other demons asking them to rape a sleeping person and so they do.
Prayers for me and my family strong storms are coming here soon till Sunday. Prayers for safety. Pray for Jason's deliverance to manifest and dry up his contacts, enablers and participants. Dry up his Desire to participant in anything related to drugs or sexual immorality. Godly sorrow and...
Continue prayers for blessings for me financially the prayers are working especially for my peace of mind. Pray God does a quick work in turning Jason's life around free from addiction, bad mindset, living for the world, sexual immorality and foul speech. Prat Jason's enablers, connections...
addiction bad mindset
bad behaviors
country: united states
foul speech
quick work
repentance godly sorrow
world sexual immorality
Prayers for blessings financially. I'm in need of my electricity paid and I'm trying to get help pray I get help and my electric is not shut off. Continue prayers God does whatever it takes to change Jason.
Continue prayers for the week to be blessed financially and other ways. Also for Jason the manifestation of his deliverance from addictions. God do whatever it takes to cause him to hit rock bottom, godly sorrow, conviction and repentance. Cause him to no longer want to live how he is and he...