Please pray I find a safe and lovely place to stay on budget a.that my GP stops messing me around and makes the referral for ivf,writes the letter clarifying that I’m being stalked and I am not mentally ill. Or that they decently tell me to find another Gp
Please pray all support from Dr.George and he’s seen as a pervert stalker. Please pray the RE accept they mar a huge mistake and please pray my Ivf is protected
I’ve been told I have been cursed. Please pray I’m protected,please pray this is deflected away from me and please pray my ivf is protected and successful. Please pray Dr.George and Paul are jailed for stalking,please pray I’m safe and never see any of these people or my father or sister again.
Please pray I get my ivf soon and that I’m still very fertile with my own eggs then,that we get plenty to freeze and that I have two beautiful intelligent kids of my own🙌
Today is the most important day of my life in 32 years, I’m doing an embryo transfer via IVF after an infertility journey. I did all I could with medicines and injections now it is all in gods hands, please pray for the successful implantation so that I can soon become a mother in the name of...
I’m being harrassed by my sister and girls in a law firm she’s connected to. Please pray they are dealt with and can’t affect my ivf. Please pray I have a beautiful baby girl soon