Lord God, we come to you in Jesus name. God of Abraham, God of Jacob, God of Issac. Lord we put on the full armor of the spirit. Lord God, I put on the Helmet of Salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God, as I use it against...
basic human right
belt of truth
breastplate of righteousness
country: united states
full armor
great place
helmet of salvation
second coming
My name is isaac
I'm 18 years old boy
I have girlfriend I don't it is right thing or not but still I'm giving prayer request because I brokeup with her and now we end our relationship but I'm very depressed because I love her so much I can't forget her and I don't want to forget her when we are...
We are a Gospel for all Ministries. We are constructing church of 18/12 mitters. Pray for financial breakthrough. for more information. write to isaac_phr@yahoo.com
Greet you all in JESUS Please remember Isaac and Sharon in your prayer they are married but living separately May GOD forgive them and Bless their marriage life
Greeting in JESUS Please pray for Isaac and Sharon They are living separate May GOD BLESS their marriage life ,they don’t stay separate and live together In Jesus name Amen
Dear Brother and sister Please remember Isaac in your prayers because he is in depression and stress May GOD release him from all stress and depression I ask this in JESUS name Amen
Greeting you in OUR REDEEMER LORD JESUS Please do pray for Isaac he is very depressed Please remember him in your prayers because of his marriage life , family and debt May GOD forgive his sins give him redemption save him give him fruitful life I believe and trust Every thing is Possible in OUR...
I am Isaac M Newton My mother is ever sick pray for her to get well coz even as I talk now she feels uncomfortable. I officially want to get a very good wife the one who will be there for me. I want to overcome the shame which made me escape from our family it's now over 2 years. I look as if I...
I want to request you please pray for this couple living separately there wedding Anniversary is in this month 20/8
Sharon said she will divorce but I trust in LORD
May GOD forgive their sins give them new lives
who shed HIS blood for me. for you and for them as well Isaac...
Please pray for my relationship with Mie to be developed according to God's perfect will , both of us seek his face and his perfect will in our lives , Pray that God gives both of us peace of mind towards what is the coming step will be , I hope i can marry her and build a family for his glory...
I’m asking for prayers for Isaac.
He has brain cancer stage 4. He will turn 25 in June.
He is married & has 2 kids ages 2 and 7. He’s been operated once on June 4 when they took a tumor out, the doctors are wanting to operate tomorrow cause he develop some fluid in his head and possibly a...
Prayer for my closest friends Makaea, Pomari, James, Vai, and my old friend who is use to train with Isaac and old church I use to go to a s.d.a. friends I use to train with, even though am not an s.d.a anymore may you please pray for them.. thank you tonnes..