Normal stomach acid.
Stomach and gastrointestinal system healthy and healed in Jesus name.
No irritation, inflammation tension, no nervosity of the stomach.
Relaxed stomach and body
Excellent relaxed diggestion.
Evil generational sickness spirits out in the name of Jesus.
Blood of Jesus on you...
country: croatia
evil generational sickness spirits
gastrointestinal system
normal stomach acid stomach
No.irritation of my stomach, or throat.
No virus
Easy breathing and relaxed body/stomach.
No unease of a flue.
No.pain on my front when i caugh.
No chills or feeling of vomiting..
No fever or feeling of fever
No dry mouth.
No irritation or pain in my throat, larynx or gastric tubes. Sometimes feeling of vomiting.
Feeling like i have something in my chest. Stomach acid issues. Normal breathing. Normal blood pressure and heart beat.
Pray that i will fall asleep quickly and have a good sweet sleep.
No.inflammation or irritation of my throat and gastrointestimal tubes. No occasional feeling of vomiting or slight pain in the right side of throat. No slime in my throat.
Good sweet sleep. Coming on time at my job in the morning