Normal stomach acid.
No nausea in my stomach.
No dammages because of stomach acid in my mouth, on my lipps or in my stomach, everything healed in Jesus name.
No irriation or inflammation.
No acid reflux or heart burn.
No gastritis.
No tension in my body.
Relaxed every muscle.
No gastritis.
No inflammation, swelling or any irritation in my stomach, gastrointestinal tubes and organs and mouth in Jesus names..
Normal stomach acid.
No swellings, wounds in my mouth.
Everything healthy.
No gastritis symptoms.
Healthy dental flesh, mouth flesh, tongue, stomach....
No irritation in my mouth of any kind.
Strong healthy white shiny beautiful perfectly aligned teeth.
Healthy dental flesh and mouth.
No carrhies, plaque, cysts, abscesses, swellings or any possible wound or irritation in my mouth.
Consequences of gastritis and generational tooth decay problems.
No feeling of burning or pain in tubes of gastrointestinal system, are left chest.
Normal stomach acid.
No acid reflux, no heart burn, amen.
No irritation or inflammation in Jesus name.
Please pray that any irritation in the nose/sinuses (especially left side) will be healed. The woman made Covid test in my nose in a harsh way. So that it is not irritated mucosa in the nose or to dry. Normal breathing through nose and in general
Stain/wart under my arm. Feeling of hurt/burning sometimes. Maybe i have dammaged it.
Pray against irritation throat mouth from stomach flue. Also against like feeling of vomiting, to strong stomach acid. Thank you
Please pray that i will breathe easily. It bloats my stomach to much. Irritation from stomach flue. To strong stomach acid
Also sometimes nausea and pain the back, pray also for opemed sinuses. Thank you!!!!!
Very loud neiggbour in the nighr....past 10 h
My upstairs and my next door neighbours are loud. Loud walking and talking
Hitting with doors etc
Pray fir my good sweet sleep
No.pain or irritation in my mouth, dental flesh
Please pray that my neighbour upstairs will be peaceful.
No wakling like a bar.
Not any kind of noise.
good sweet sleep
No diggestive issues like diarrhea.
No irritation in my stomach and intestines.
Stomach pain.
LIke stones are in my stomach.
Pray against any irritaiton or inflammation.
I feel like something is also in my throat.
Pray for normal stomach acid and diggestion.
1) good sweet sleep
2) no swelling or pain in my dental flesh, nothing irriatiting me in my mouth
3) No iriitation of inflammation of the stomach
4) normal stomach acid
5) no noise in my neighbourhood of any kind