
  1. Garath

    Esther Sabitiu Anyadike Things we don't want ...

    Esther Sabitiu Anyadike Things we don't want 1.Poverty 2.Barreness 3.Walking around the same cycle 4.Panic seizure 5. Spirit of Insanity 6.Failure at the edge of breakthrough 7. Promise and fail 8. Sickness and Diseases.
  2. Eogourbon

    1)marital breakthrough 23-3-2023. 2) to get a ...

    1)marital breakthrough 23-3-2023. 2) to get a room selfcon within seven days. 3) that God should reverse insanity in the life of my bros Jude and Austin Samuel within seven days of dis post. 4) that God should break covenant of negative dreams in my life. 5) that God should break evil addict in...
  3. Kerqaxby

    I'm going through a situation currently. It's ...

    I'm going through a situation currently. It's as though the enemy planned insanity and untimely death and also want my family desolate. I request your prayer for God's mercy to intervene. Thanks
  4. Steven Bobb

    The stupid holiday rush is on with ...

    The stupid holiday rush is on with the extra crowds and the mad rush and its so opposite mt nature I like doing things at my own pace.Dont have tolerance to deal with that insanity.
  5. Steven Bobb

    The stupid holiday rush is on with ...

    The stupid holiday rush is on with the extra crowds and the mad rush and its so opposite mt nature I like doing things at my own pace.Dont have tolerance to deal with that insanity.
  6. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please stop the crime in this ...

    Jesus please stop the crime in this country and stop the corrupt politicians and judges. Please bring back regular crime fighting from before all this insanity started with criminals not even getting in any trouble. Why is this all happening? Please also let my husband do everything he is...
  7. Steven Bobb

    SUPPOSEDLY God is not the author of ...

    SUPPOSEDLY God is not the author of confusion, but all I deal with in my stupid life is confusion, disorganization,downright craziness.For more ORDER in my life.Im an organized person, I can't take the insanity.
  8. Steven Bobb

    Ok today is Sunday and like a ...

    Ok today is Sunday and like a day off for me I can stay in the house, or just do mellow things.But unfortunately, Sunday doesn't last forever, and you go back into the insanity of the world in the upcoming week Request for protection from surprises, uncertain outcomes, "threatening" situations etc.
  9. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please let my son stop this ...

    Jesus please let my son stop this nonsense and go to bed. He has school and a quiz in the morning. He isn't going to get much sleep and has already been up 18 house and he said he is doing it all to upset me. Please let this insanity stop. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
  10. Steven Bobb

    They say the definition of insanity is ...

    They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result.I live in the States, and I see our left wing fanatic president is an example of that.
  11. Katagelalmos

    Blasphemous thoughts and Santaria Curses and Spells

    Greetings, I would like deliverance from the demon of blasphemy, self-destruction, rejection, pride and insanity. Also prayer against Santaria: Curses, spells and attacks.
  12. AGAPE55

    Lord I ask that you calm my son Chris

    Lord I'm asking you to intervene and please stop the insanity that's been going on with Chris for the past year. I'm at the end of my rope tolerating his arrogance and his outbursts and his constant barrage of text when he gets into one of his strange moods. I don't live with him and I don't see...
  13. AGAPE55

    Lord I need you to calm my son Chris

    Lord I'm asking you to intervene and please stop the insanity that's been going on with Chris for the past year. I'm at the end of my rope tolerating his arrogance and his outbursts and his constant barrage of text when he gets into one of his strange moods. I don't live with him and I don't...
  14. Sumvax

    My request lord, (1)for my husband Mr ...

    My request lord, (1)for my husband Mr sunny Isaac father heal totally from insanity and restore all he has lost. (2)lord send me back to my husband again. (3) Retaintive memory in the life of my children (4) Divine healing to my mother Mrs Bridget Aniagboso (5)peace in my family. (6) blessing my...
  15. Anonymous

    Heavenly father pls deliver me from all ...

    Heavenly father pls deliver me from all witchcraft from all demons. Pls deliver me from all insanity all craziness and all abnormalities. Pls destroy and put to death all witchcraft and all demonic activities in my life. Pls change my heart and my mind. Pls fill me with right motives. Amen.
  16. Steven Bobb

    I can't take the insanity of this ...

    I can't take the insanity of this world.
  17. Steven Bobb

    Praise Report! AS the insanity of the ...

    Praise Report! AS the insanity of the workweek morphs into the serenity of Peaceful Sunday,no tight deadlines , no rushing around, fighting the clock and dealing with all kinds of people with their own irritating personalities.
  18. Topens

    My son to be delivered from the ...

    My son to be delivered from the spirit of insanity. My daughter to meet her miracle husband. Evil black birds of darkness following me around to go back to their sender.
  19. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please let the insanity of this ...

    Jesus please let the insanity of this world stop. I cant deal with it anymore. Please also let my packages arrive and my sickness go away. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
  20. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please help me I can't deal ...

    Jesus please help me I can't deal with this insanity anymore of masks and vaccines. Now my son has ro wear a mask in school again this year. This is not fair. His entire middle school experience has been nothing but Covid. Please end this. These kids don't deserve this. And I am terrified that...
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