influential criminals

  1. Mischa

    Income, Home, Pets, Protection

    Please pray that the influential criminals, who killed my family, will be brought to justice without further delay. Please pray that they and theirs won't be able to cost me home, income, or pets once more. They've cost me home, income, money, and degree programs again and again through...
  2. Mischa

    Home, Income, Pets

    Please pray I won't lose home, income, or pets. Please pray that I can get justice on the influential criminals who killed my family and cost me home and income countless times through decades and 7 countries. Please pray for physical and financial restoration. Thank you for praying.
  3. Mischa

    Losing Home and Pets

    Please pray I won't lose home, income, pets, more money, or get slandered, attacked or poisoned again. Please pray for possibility for justice on the influential criminals who killed my family and have cost me home, income and loved ones through decades and 7 countries by now. Please pray for...
  4. Mischa

    Losing Home

    Please pray that I won't lose my home. Please pray for justice on the influential criminals who killed my family, and are causing me never-ending trouble. Thank you.
  5. Mischa

    Income, Home, Security

    Please pray that I'll keep my income, home, pets, and that I'll get the large amount of money I need by now to survive and be safe. Please pray that I'll get justice on the influential criminals who killed my family, and who have cost me income, home, degree programs, security, and pets again...
  6. Mischa

    Threat to Income, Home, Pets, Security

    Please pray for protection and providence. Please pray for possibility for justice on the influential criminals who have cost me everything, again and again, through decades and 7 countries. Please pray for my murdered loved ones. Thank you.
  7. Mischa

    Urgent - Losing Job Tomorrow

    I overheard management discussing firing me tomorrow Friday, after 3PM. I don't know the reason they'll give. Influential criminals, who killed my family, have cost me income, home, and studies over and over again through decades and 7 countries. They've had me stalked and physically attacked...
  8. Mischa

    Urgent - Home, Income, Protection

    Please pray that I won't lose my home, income, and pets I'll have the money I need and be free of debt the lung infection/pneumonia will be cured the influential criminals who killed my family and cost me everything will be brought to justice without further delay the Dalai Lama gurus and...
  9. Mischa

    Urgent - Home, Income, Protection

    Please pray for possibility for justice on the influential criminals who killed my family. They've cost me home, income, degree programs, loved ones, over and over again. Please pray that they won't get to cost me my home and income this time. Please also pray that the throat/lung infection...
  10. Mischa

    Urgent - Home, Income, Security

    Please pray that I won't lose home, income, pets, or get attacked again. Please pray that the influential criminals, who killed my family, will be brought to justice. Please pray for my finances, I desperately need money to cover expenses. Please pray that the infection/pneumonia will be...
  11. Mischa

    Urgent - Losing Income

    Please pray for me to keep my income. The manager of the team I work in has decided to fire me Monday for no fault of mine. I've lost income and home over and over again to the influential criminals who killed my family. Please pray for possibility for justice finally, and compensation so I...
  12. Mischa

    Urgent - Losing Home & Income

    Please pray for a miracle, I'm about to lose home and income. Please pray for possibility for immediate justice on the influential criminals who killed my family, and who are costing me and my pets everything again. Please pray for money. I urgently need own home for security, necessities...
  13. Mischa

    Income, Home, Pets at Risk

    I'm having a meeting with the manager of my team this afternoon. Please pray that I won't lose my income. Please pray that I'll get the opportunity for justice on the influential criminals who killed my family and destroyed my life, finances, and body. Please pray for urgent restoration of my...
  14. Mischa

    Income, Home, Pets at Risk

    Please pray for protection, justice and compensation. Pray that we won't lose income, home, pets again till we get justice on the influential criminals who killed my family and destroyed my life, finances, and body. Thank you for praying.
  15. Mischa

    Urgent - Possibility for Justice

    Please pray that I'll get my right to the files I need to get justice on influential criminals. Please pray for protection for my loved ones, living and murdered, humans and pets. Please pray that I won't lose home, income, pets or get attacked or harmed further before getting the criminals...
  16. Mischa

    Urgent - protection of income

    Influential criminals, who killed my family, have cost me home and income over and over again. Please pray that they won't succeed in having the manager I work under fire me. Please pray for possibility for justice and compensation so I'm free of their Hell, and won't be dependent on income...
  17. Mischa

    Urgent - Protection of Income

    Influential criminals, who killed my family, have cost me home and income again and again. The manager of the team I work in is in the process of getting me fired. Please pray that she won't succeed. Please pray for possibility for justice, to end this Hell for us. Thank you.
  18. Mischa

    Urgent - Justice for Survival

    Please pray for me to get my rights, justice and compensation. Please pray that I won't suffer any further loss or harm till the influential criminals are locked up. Please pray for restoration of body, finances, and blessings. Thank you.
  19. Mischa

    Protection, Providence, Freedom

    Please pray I won't lose home, income or pets. The influential criminals who killed my family have cost me all again and again, and they're at it again. Please pray for all to go well tomorrow when I get 2 of my cats neutered. Please pray for money, I'm running of money and credit fast, and...
  20. Mischa

    Protection and Justice

    Please pray that I won't lose home, income or pets. Animal welfare just inspected my pets on false claims, and found nothing wrong. I do, however, have a number of adult kittens that are difficult to rehome due to slander, which I desperately need rehomed before my landlord hears of it...
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