Opened sinuses.
Healthy teeth.
Healthy dental flesh.
Healthy jaw.
Healthy facial bones.
No pain.
No inflammation.
No infection.
No irritation.
Healthy spine. (lower back area, between back and leggs). No pain.
No pain in my dental flesh, teeth, jaw, face, sinuses.
No pain in my lower back/spine and leggs.
No inflammation or infection anywhere in my body.
Helthy teeth and dental flesh.
Opened sinuses.
Lord plesse plesse totally heal my stomach in every way now plesse lord remove all every pain discomfort inflammation acid reflux all nausea all fat all bloatedness all every infirmity from my stomach plesse permantly permantly right now never ever to return ever in jesus christ namess
Prayers for healing of inflammation and sleep arthritis Pain bad Pnd allergies asthma and to get all the right pprwork in order Lord that we get Everything in time and sent out quickly to Help Win this soon and everything brought to light in Victory and justice prevail and defeat your enemies...
Very urgent plesse plesse all pray lord plesse plesse heal my stomach plesse titalky completely permantly in every way now please lord remove all every pain discomfort all inflamation all tenderness all fat all every infirmity permantly plesse lord from my stomach right now plesse never ever to...
Very urgent plesse plesse all pray lord plesse please heal my whole stomach in every wat now plesse in jesus name plesse lord remove every all pain discomfort all inflamation acid reflux all tenderness all fat all bloatedness all every infirmity pain from my stomach permantly permantly right now...
Pray for healing of the right chest pain and healing of the inflammation of the muscle and the soft tissue there. Surely Jesus bore my grief my pain, carry my sorrow and sickness, He was pierced for my transgression, He was crushed for my inequities, the chastisement of my peace fell upon Him...
Lord plesse please heal my stomach in every way please lord remove every all pain discomfort all inflamation all tenderness acid reflux all fat all every infirmity plesse lord from my stomach please lord permantly permantly permantly now plesse never ever to return ever in jesus christ name
Very urgent plesse all pray lord plesse plesse heal my stomach in every way now plesse permantly totally completely permantly now please lord remove all every pain all every discomfort tenderness acid reflux all inflamation all fat from my stomach plesse permantly rught now never ever to return...
Lord plesse heal my stomach in every way now plesse remove all every pain discomfort all inflamation all fat plesse from my whole stomach body permantly now never to return ever plesse lord heal my eyes in every way stop my eyes being dry watering permantly permantly now plesse in jesus christ...
Lord plesse plesse please remove all every pain discomfort infkanstion all tenderness all fat plesse from my whole stomach body permantly rught now plesse never ever to return ever plesse lord heal my stomach in every way now plesse in jesus name please lord heal heal my eyes please in every way...
Vert very urgent please all pray lord pleass heal my stomach plesse in every way now please remove every all pain discomfort all inflamation acid reflux all fat from my stomach pleass lord permantly permantly rught now never ever ever to return ever in jesus namess
Lord plesse plesse heal my stomach permantly in every way now remove all every pain discomfort all inflamation acid reflux all fat all bloatedness all every infirmity plesse lord from my whole stomach body permantly permantly plesse right now never ever to return ever in jesus christ namess
Lord plesse plesse heal my whole stomach plesse in every way now plesse lord remove all every pain all every discomfort all tenderness all inflamation acid reflux all fat all bloatedness all every infirmity plesse lord from my whole stomach plesse permantly rught now never ever return plesse...
Lord plesse plesse heal my stomach plesse in every way now plesse remove all every pain all every discomfort all inflamation all acid reflux all tenderness all every infirmity all fat all bloatedness plesse lord from my stomach plesse permantly permantly rught now never ever to return ever in...
Very very urgent please all pray lord please please end all every pain discomfort all inflamation acid reflux all fat all bloatedness all every pain all every infirmity right now forever please in jesus christ name please heal heal my stomach in every way now please in jesus namess
Very very urgent please all.pray lord please heal my stomach now in every way please lord remove please all every pain all every discomfort all tenderness all inflamation acid reflux all nausea all fat all every infirmity please right now from my stomach permantly permantly permantly lord please...
My lord my god my healer please please heal my stomach in every way now restore my stomach in every way now please lord remove please from my stomach all every pain all every discomfort all tendernesscall inflamation acid reflux all nausea all fat all bloatedness all every infirmity permantly...