Teeth white shiny strong whole healthy perfectly aligned.
No cyst, abscess, carrhies, plaque, pain or inflammation.
Pure smoothe healthy hydrated skin.
No dryness, itchiness, impurities.
Trembling of my eardrum almost gone thank you Jesus, thank you for your prayers.
Continue to pray for total health of my dental flesh and teeth, no pain or inflammation mostly in the night, no abscess or cyst, no carrhies or plaque. Eveything is possible to you God.
Normal stomach acid. NO gastritis.
Health of my dental flesh and teeth. No carrhies, plaque, abscess, cyst. No pain or inflammation.
Health of my sinuses.
No jams.
Good circulation.
No pain or inflammation in my body.
No lower back pain going through leggs sometimes. When i sit or walk in some positiions.
No pms.
No pain or inflammation in my teeth/dental flesh.
Healed and open sinuses.
Normal stomach acid, no nausea. Amen
No noise from neighbours. They talk to loud. Its midnight. I want to sleep. Good sweet sleep for me. No pain or inflammation especially in my dental flesh (teeth).
No trembling in my eardrum.
Normal stomach acid and diggestion.
No pain or inflammation in my dental flesh, no abscess, cyst, carrhies, plaque, tooth decay in Jesus name.
Fresh and healthy dental flesh. (no inflammation, swelling, cyst or abscess in Jesus name). No carrhies, plaque etc....
Normal stomach acid. Healed all lines of gastrointestinal system of eventual dammage in Jesus name. No irritation of lines in my stomach, mouth etc....
No trembling of my...
Inflammation/swelling/ abscess /cyst, be removed and be cast out into the sea in Jesus name.
No trembling of my eardrum.
Normal stomach acid. no unease in my stomach.
Normal blood pressure.
Good sweet sleep.
Healing of my teeth, dental flesh, no pain, no inflammation, irritation, swellings, abscess, cyst, carrhies, plaque in Jesus name, amen.
Healing of my stomach. No inflammation or feeling of fever in my stomach and gastrointestinal system. No gastritis, normal stomach acid. Normal diggestion. No...
All my needs met today and this week.
Stomach healthy. No gastritis, healed lines even throat from acid.
No pain, swelling or inflammation in my teeth, dental flesh, jaw, ear.area.