
  1. natasha2

    Pain/tension muscles - draft?

    No pain or inflammatiom in my body. Right hand, right shoulder, neck. Feeling like draft is the cause.
  2. Anonymous

    It’s their demons in them that don’t ...

    It’s their demons in them that don’t like Your people Lord heal and protect and reduce all swelling and inflammation to feet and help to sleep well now
  3. Anonymous

    Uteral issues and any infections swelling inflammation ...

    Uteral issues and any infections swelling inflammation Lord and rash itch You can fix anything please and help to rest soon and help us in everything amen
  4. Anonymous

    Lord please help to rest and heal ...

    Lord please help to rest and heal me of any tormenting pain itch any diseases infections swelling inflammation are cursed by God and we send you infirmity demons back to the pit and off of those close all tormenting demons are bound off of us now the power fire and blood of our lord Jesus Christ...
  5. natasha2

    Stomach intestines - relaxed

    No irritation or inflammation of my stomach. Normal stomach acid. No nervosity of the stomach or intestines. Normal good diggestion.
  6. natasha2

    No irritation, inflammation in my mouth

    Nothing irritating me in my mouth. No infammation, no irritation. Everything healed.
  7. natasha2

    Boiling in my stomach

    No feeling of fever, boiling or inflammation in my stomach.
  8. natasha2

    Catching up a sleep

    I barely slept last night because of feeling of fever (probably gastritis, inflammation in the stomach). Pray that it would be healed and that i will catch up a sleep today and tonight
  9. natasha2


    Everything alright with my stomach and diggestion. No irritations, no inflammation, no feeling of fever.
  10. fulloffaith

    god please remove all infection and all ...

    god please remove all infection and all inflammation in my body. heal my arm and bones and remove any and all traces of cancer in my body. ty ijn amen
  11. natasha2

    No stomach issues, normal stomach acid

    No pain in the neck, shoulders. No nausea in the stomach. No gastritis or any stomach issues. Overall health. Normal stomach acid. No feeling of fever or inflammation in my stomach.
  12. natasha2

    No irritation, inflammation - stomach, mouth

    No irritation or inflammation in my mouth or my stomach, amen. Gastritis symptoms.
  13. Anonymous

    I have Your Full Armor on lord ...

    I have Your Full Armor on lord let these people help in this Urgency Soon Heal breathing lungs wheezing allergies sinuses arthritis asthma bronchitis and inflammation swelling head to toe and under foot Pain must Cease All Attacks Must Cease NOW IJN Blood and Fire! Bless Your enemies Lord!
  14. Anonymous

    Restore us lord and replenish this hair ...

    Restore us lord and replenish this hair fall and heal all sickness sinuses and diseases calm our fears heal all allergy attacks infections swelling and inflammation bring total healing favor and redemption and keep us Cool please Is.54:17
  15. natasha2

    Throat, stomach

    No irritation, feeling of vomiting or any inflammation in my throat or stomach. Amen. Relaxation.
  16. natasha2

    Throat, stomach

    No irritation, feeling of vomiting or any inflammation in my throat or stomach. Amen. Relaxation.
  17. natasha2

    Normal stomach acid,

    Normal stomach acid. No inflammation or irritation in my stomach and diggestion system. No feeling of boiling or any other discomfort. No gastritis.
  18. Duranurlik

    Two days ago my 65 yr old ...

    Two days ago my 65 yr old wife (Christa) has had her gall bladder removed due to gall stones. She now has developed inflammation and is very stressed about this. She needs to be kept in hospital longer than anticipated now!
  19. Anonymous

    Don’t let me pull any more muscles ...

    Don’t let me pull any more muscles Lord so stiff with arthritis pain swelling inflammation please heal me and help to rest well
  20. Anonymous

    Lord please let my tires be ok ...

    Lord please let my tires be ok and they get enough air and hold up on the road. Keep this devil away from me us and all evil and stop hair fall hearing vision rash allergy infections swelling inflammation issues IJN and Arthritis diabetes by Your mighty Protecting Sprinkled Blood covering
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