Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Your Wisdom, for Blessing me to work, get everything done, and Keep my vehicles going, for Your Incredible Miracles, for Leading me to a mechanic who is honest, does work in a timely manner, does nice work and doesn't overcharge for the work on things I don't...
Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for the Many Blessings and Promises, for Your Incredible Love and Forgiveness towards me, towards my sin, for Healing me by Your Stripes, for Overblessing me with Your Peace, for Finishing the Work You Began in me, for Your Correction, for Refreshing me daily...
Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for all the chaos going on in the world, for Hiding me in Your secret places, for Keeping me and Protecting me, for no sickness allowed to be in nor near me in Jesus, for the beasts of the wilderness to be at peace with me in/through Jesus, for Salvation for my...
Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Your Incredible Plans for me, for Healing me by Your stripes, for Blessing me to go back to work, for Blessing me to work for You, to know that I'm working for You, to know that All Things are working for my good in You, for Prospering me in You, for Your...
Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for the Incredible Pains that You Took on for my Peace with You, with the Father, for Your Incredible Love and Forgiveness for me, for All of our Salvation with You, for the Promises from You, that You will Return for us, for Saving my house, my wife and my...
Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for knowing my thoughts, all of our thoughts even at the same time, You are more Incredible to me than I can share, for causing others to help when we need You, for Your Incredible Love and Forgiveness, for Overblessing us with Your Extreme Protection over...
Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for All Things Working for my Good, for the troubles that we see actually working for our good, for Taking on All my troubles, for Fighting for me while I Praise and Thank You, for Your Incredible Salvation, for Saving my wife and my children, for Sending workers...
Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Your Incredible Love and Forgiveness, for Blessing me with Songs in my heart as I drive alone with You, for You are Holy, Holy, Holy, Glory, Glory, Glory, for Your Incredible Promises, for Prosperity, for no sickness allowed in nor near me in Jesus, no weapon...
Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Your Incredible Love for us, for Your Incredible Forgiveness for us, for Blessing us with Love and Forgiveness for each other and ourselves, for Blessing us with knowledge of You, knowledge of Your Word, Promises for us to depend on, for no weapon formed...
Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Your Incredible Love and Forgiveness, for Blessing us to Love what You Love and Hate what You Hate, for Blessing us in ways that we don't know, for always being with us, for Blessing us to stand on You and what You have done, for Being in us as a Spring of...
Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Your Incredible Love and Forgiveness, for Blessing us to Love what You Love and Hate what You Hate, for Blessing us in ways that we don't know, for always being with us, for Blessing us to stand on You and what You have done, for Being in us as a Spring of...
Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Your Salvation, for Your Incredible Love and Forgiveness for us, for Your Incredible Pain that You took on for us, for Your Desire to Prosper us, for Blessing us with work, both Spiritual work as well as Physical work, for Seating us in Heavenly places in...
Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Your Incredible Love and Forgiveness towards us, for Your Chastisement towards us, for Your Giving us favour in others eyes, for Blessing us to see You in part, know You in part, yet through Your eyes Spiritually know You in full, see You Spiritually in full...
Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Your Incredible Love and Forgiveness towards us, for Your Chastisement towards us, for Your Giving us favour in others eyes, for Blessing us to see You in part, know You in part, yet through Your eyes Spiritually know You in full, see You Spiritually in full...
For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.
—Revelation 7:17 (KJV)
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
What a beautiful picture! The One who died for us will nourish and...
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