important issue

  1. Vladi777

    Request for prayer support πŸ™

    *Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, please support me with your prayers. May Heavenly Father give me opportunities, guidance, wisdom, and grace β€” to be more useful to His Kingdom, His fields, and His work. Let us pray that Our Heavenly Father will help me with all the gifts and talents He...
  2. Vladi777

    Request for prayer support πŸ™

    *Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, please support me with your prayers. May Heavenly Father give me opportunities, guidance, wisdom, and grace β€” to be more useful to His Kingdom, His fields, and His work. Let us pray that Our Heavenly Father will help me with all the gifts and talents He...
  3. Vladi777

    Request for prayer support πŸ™

    *Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, please support me with your prayers. May Heavenly Father give me opportunities, guidance, wisdom, and grace β€” to be more useful to His Kingdom, His fields, and His work. Let us pray that Our Heavenly Father will help me with all the gifts and talents He...
  4. Vladi777

    Request for prayer support πŸ™

    *Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, please support me with your prayers. May Heavenly Father give me opportunities, guidance, wisdom, and grace β€” to be more useful to His Kingdom, His fields, and His work. Let us pray that Our Heavenly Father will help me with all the gifts and talents He...
  5. Vladi777

    Request for prayer support πŸ™

    *Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, please support me with your prayers. May Heavenly Father give me opportunities, guidance, wisdom, and grace β€” to be more useful to His Kingdom, His fields, and His work. Let us pray that Our Heavenly Father will help me with all the gifts and talents He...
  6. Vladi777

    Request for prayer support πŸ™

    *Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, please support me with your prayers. May Heavenly Father give me opportunities, guidance, wisdom, and grace β€” to be more useful to His Kingdom, His fields, and His work. Let us pray that Our Heavenly Father will help me with all the gifts and talents He...
  7. Vladi777

    Request for prayer support πŸ™

    *Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, please support me with your prayers. May Heavenly Father give me opportunities, guidance, wisdom, and grace β€” to be more useful to His Kingdom, His fields, and His work. Let us pray that Our Heavenly Father will help me with all the gifts and talents He...
  8. Vladi777

    Request for prayer support πŸ™

    *Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, please support me with your prayers. May Heavenly Father give me opportunities, guidance, wisdom, and grace β€” to be more useful to His Kingdom, His fields, and His work. Let us pray that Our Heavenly Father will help me with all the gifts and talents He...
  9. Vladi777

    Request for prayer support πŸ™

    *Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, please support me with your prayers. May Heavenly Father give me opportunities, guidance, wisdom, and grace β€” to be more useful to His Kingdom, His fields, and His work. Let us pray that Our Heavenly Father will help me with all the gifts and talents He...
  10. Vladi777

    Request for prayer support πŸ™

    *Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, please support me with your prayers. May Heavenly Father give me opportunities, guidance, wisdom, and grace β€” to be more useful to His Kingdom, His fields, and His work. Let us pray that Our Heavenly Father will help me with all the gifts and talents He...
  11. Vladi777

    Request for prayer support πŸ™

    *Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, please support me with your prayers. May Heavenly Father give me opportunities, guidance, wisdom, and grace β€” to be more useful to His Kingdom, His fields, and His work. Let us pray that Our Heavenly Father will help me with all the gifts and talents He...
  12. Vladi777

    Request for prayer support πŸ™

    *Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, please support me with your prayers. May Heavenly Father give me opportunities, guidance, wisdom, and grace β€” to be more useful to His Kingdom, His fields, and His work. Let us pray that Our Heavenly Father will help me with all the gifts and talents He...
  13. Vladi777

    Request for prayer support πŸ™

    *Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, please support me with your prayers. May Heavenly Father give me opportunities, guidance, wisdom, and grace β€” to be more useful to His Kingdom, His fields, and His work. Let us pray that Our Heavenly Father will help me with all the gifts and talents He...
  14. Vladi777

    Request for prayer support πŸ™

    *Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, please support me with your prayers. May Heavenly Father give me opportunities, guidance, wisdom, and grace β€” to be more useful to His Kingdom, His fields, and His work. Let us pray that Our Heavenly Father will help me with all the gifts and talents He...
  15. Articles

    Today's Verse - Galatians 5:6 (KJV)

    For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love. β€”Galatians 5:6 (KJV) Thoughts on Today's Verse... Ever notice how we get to fussing about things that are important, but still aren't the most important things of our faith. So...
  16. Anonymous

    Help to find all important information

    Help to find all important information that we Win this Very Important Issue. Help everything be Fixed right and bless and protect us all keep us safe from any retaliation of your enemies and to sleep well
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