Heavenly father pls deliver me from all idolatry and all evil eye. Pls forgive me of all sins and pls atone me of all sins. Pls deliver me from all demonic possession. Pls set me free. Pls cast out all demons out of me. Pls deliver me set me free from all witchcraft and familiar spirits. Pls...
Heavenly father pls deliver me from all idolatry and all evil eye. Pls forgive me of all sins and pls atone me of all sins. Pls deliver me from all demonic possession. Pls set me free. Pls cast out all demons out of me. That I will be totally delivered. Amen. That I will repent and no longer...
Heavenly father pls deliver me from all idolatry and all evil eye. Pls forgive me of all sins and pls atone me of all sins. Pls deliver me from all demonic possession. Pls set me free. Pls cast out all demons out of me. That I will be totally delivered. Amen. That I will repent and no longer...
Heavenly father pls deliver me from all idolatry and all evil eye. Pls forgive me of all sins and pls atone me of all sins. Pls deliver me from all demonic possession. Pls set me free. Pls cast out all demons out of me. That I will be totally delivered. Amen. That I will repent and no longer...
Heavenly father pls deliver me from all idolatry and all evil eye. Pls forgive me of all sins and pls atone me of all sins. Pls deliver me from all demonic possession. Pls set me free. Pls cast out all demons out of me. That I will be totally delivered. Amen. That I will repent and no longer...
Heavenly father pls deliver me from all idolatry and all evil eye. Pls forgive me of all sins and pls atone me of all sins. Pls deliver me from all demonic possession. Pls set me free. Pls cast out all demons out of me. That I will be totally delivered. Amen. That I will repent and no longer...
heavenly father i thank u this morning. pls that satan and his demons and all witches and all familiar spirits and all evil forces and all demonic forces and all satanic forces and all witchcraft and all idolatry and all sin will leave me alone right now and leave me and my life alone right now...
Heavenly father pls help me that I will never idolize anyone or anything anymore. Pls that I will overcome all sins. Pls help me that I will never idolize my blue jersey or my winter coat anymore. That I will make u as number 1 that I will glorify and seek u more than anything and anyone. Pls...
Heavenly pls help me that I will enjoy things without idolizing and that I can enjoy things correctly. That all all idolatry will be destroyed and put to death in my life. Amen.
Heavenly I thank u. Pls that I will find contentment in being alone. That I will only focus on myself and on u right now. That I will focus strictly on my online university and that all distractions will be totally removed. Pls destroy and put to death all idolatry all soul ties all evil...
Heavenly I bought a winter jacket online. Pls that I will use it correctly at all times. That all idolatry and all adultery lust and witchcraft and evil eye will be totally destroyed and put to death. Amen.
Heavenly that will be totally forgiven of all sins and cleanse totally of all sins and all unrighteousess. Pls that I will be totally delivered and set free from all sins repetitive sins and idolatry .That I will be totally spotless and righteous and blameless at all times and remain in track...
My LORD pls forgive me of all sins and tha sin of idolizing others and covetousness and idolatry. Pls wipe off all sins. That I will consistently turn from all sins and turn completely towards u. Pls that I will repent of all sins and not repeat again. In JESUS precious name. AMEN.
Heavenly father pls set me free and save me from all evil eye all covetousness all idolatry all anger all hatred all strife all envy and all jealousy. In JESUS precious name. AMEN.
Heavenly father pls set me free from all my sins including tha sin of idolatry and evil eye. Pls prepare me mentally spiritually and physically that I will be prepared to go to heaven. In JESUS name. AMEN.