May The Joy Of The Lord Be My Strength
I Claim It Now Daddy--God--Abba--Father In Jesus's Name...
this is one of the nine fruits of The Holy Spirit
in the book of Galatians
in Chapter 5...and Verses 22 to 23...
and may it energize me...
Pray for my son and his family. Pray for a housing miracle, a job miracle, a financial miracle. Also pray that the whole family gets saved and love serving Jesus.
Dear brothers and sisters. I am going through the most difficult time in my life. Many family troubles. My son needs a housing miracle, a job miracle, a financial miracle. Other issues are involved as well. I am stressed and anxious about this. I know God is good. I don't question his love. I...
Dear brothers and sisters. I am going through the most difficult time in my life. Many family troubles. My son needs a housing miracle, a job miracle, a financial miracle. Other issues are involved as well. I am stressed and anxious about this. I know God is good. I don't question his love. I...
Abba--Father--Our Daddy God
in the Name of Your Son Jesus
I continue to believe for a housing Miracle
a wonderful new place to call home
before my lease is up next February...
i ask for soo faithful loyal and kind friends
who i can fellowship You with...
and get to know this...
abba father
beautiful testimony
christmas miracles
christmas season
country: united states
deepest desire
father daddy
fervent lift
kind friends
son jesus's
soo faithful loyal
wonderful new place
Thank--You God For The Housing Miracle
that i cry out in Faith to You for every day...
I have a deadline of The End of February
and yet still there are no new prospects on the Horizon any more...
or new leads or possibilities either...
and i am very worried and concerned
please...i am only...
abba daddy father
bad panic attack
country: united states
daddy abba father
deepest human need
faith strong
gold miracle
gut wrenching situation
housing crisis
housingmiraclehousing test
inner most cries
late hour
midnight hour
one right open door
persistent faith
pure 24k gold miracle
un ending trial
All day today and this evening
we have had extremely bad wind storms
and then
a very bad rain storm on top of the high winds...
this always reminds me of The Numerous Hurricane's
i have had to endure living here
that i have gone thru for soo many un--ending years now
they were truly soo...
abba daddy father
affordable housing
bad rain storm
bad storms
bad wind storms
country: united states
current housing crisis
housing crisis trial
housingmiraclehousing shortage
live net
live soo
long term basis
many un ending
new york city
real estate broker
soo difficult
soo frightening
i feel very soo extremely sick right now
to be in the ministry is extremely hard on me
i voulunteer 24 / 7 hours a day and 365 days a year
for a world wide ministry
i am a crisis and prayer counselor for the Body Of Christ
all over the world...
today was a very very very tough day for me...
blood pressure
country: united states
father abba daddy
heart attack
new place
one girl
personal attacks
s e
sick right
total health
tough day
troubled mind holy ghost
world wide ministry
x o x o x o x
Dear prayer site
i love you soo much
i ask for today that i can give all of my troubles
to Jesus and leave all of my care's behind.........
and for a most beautiful and soo happy day
despite my need for new housing
i ask humbly....that just for today
i want my spirit to soar
to feel the...
country: united states
dear site
dear site love
happy day
new housing
soo happy day
I still need a housing miracle
and i just woke up from a very bad nightmare
i feel like i am losing my mind
surely these are perilous times in the whole world for us all
I continue to ask for The Right Place To Call Home
and in my humble estimation
somewhere local would be the very best for me...
abba father daddy
bad nightmare
corona virus pandemic
country: united states
great toll
housingmiraclehousing opportunity
humble estimation
perilous times
present time
right area
right place
right real estate broker
time of great peril
x o x o x
May this week
That my housing miracle finally
and fully manifest's for me
according to God's 100% perfect will for me...
in the natural
and in the supernatural
and may this trial now finally be ended
with a soo glorious testimony...
in Jesus's name...
I cry out for a housing miracle.
Lord please hear my prayer
and send me in the right direction at last
to the place of provision and peace, safety and rest
and final victory...
to relieve my extreme weariness and anxiety........Amen