housing miracle

  1. Gorlrimm

    Save from homelessness

    Please pray that God delivers me and sends me a miracle overnight. I don’t have a place to live and need a place to sleep tonight. I’ve been up wandering and need to rest my mind, body, and soul. Please pray God sends me a housing miracle and the night help in Jesus name.
  2. Rachel85

    Prayers for breakthrough in all areas of my life needed

    Hello Blessed Church, I’m writing to request your prayers as I navigate a challenging chapter in my life. I have a medical condition called Fibromyalgia and the main two symptoms are widespread pain throughout my body daily and chronic fatigue daily. This means I am in too much pain and too...
  3. Likmyn

    Have been short sighted and made foolish ...

    Have been short sighted and made foolish moves with housing. Need a housing miracle, need a breakthrough and asking for favor from the Lord.
  4. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    I Received My Housing Miracle At Last & i can never thank all of you enough for your prayers for me that touched God's Heart to make this A Reality!

    I did finally get the call i was soo eagerly waiting for from My Supervisor Norma at the agency that has been helping me & i was approved for this new local apartment rental at last After i got the awesome news of "My Housing Miracle" i just broke down & cried & thanked The Lord for how He...
  5. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    I Need God's Favor For The Approval Of This Local Rental Today Before Time Runs Out For Me i have tried my best & have no more local options either.

    i just got off the phone with Howard the local landlord He will be going to the agency that is helping me to secure his rental apt locally & i ask for the wonderful & Divine Favor of God for this rental to be approved for me with Howard & my supervisor Norma & also the executive director Mr...
  6. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Need Prayer For A Housing Miracle & i can never sleep & i have too much on my mind Thank-you to everyone for your kind intercessions In Jesus's Name !

    I am waiting to hear about 2 possible Apt's for rent in the same building The landlord's name is Howard & the superintendent is my friend Pastor Raul I ask for The Lord's Perfect Will to be done with either of these rentals Abba-Father-Daddy-God in Jesus's Name please bless me with A Housing...
  7. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Prayer To Keep Going Forward in faith hope trust & belief for my local housing miracle

    I now have an application to fill out & i met with Pastor Raul yesterday to see both apt's again with my senior citizen friend & to bless him with a special gift for Thanksgiving for him & his wife If i can just hold on a little bit longer for my housing miracle & complete this whole...
  8. Feathers Of Angel's Wings


    i tell you what Abba-Father-Daddy-God i am going to let YOU handle all of this for me in the courts of Heaven talk this over Father with Your Son & The Holy Ghost and work on people's hearts and behind the scenes on not just my behalf but for my sister in Christ her grandmother and her uncle...
  9. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Housing Miracle/Still hoping for something magnificent & spectacular after many many many years of very difficult living conditions & bad landlords.

    i just heard from the real estate agent Marlene that on Saturday the landlord of that local apt. listing decided to give the rental to a friend that he knew and took their application for it... i would not know if that is the truth or not but she had tried to call me on Saturday and then we...
  10. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    URGENT RIGHT NOW...much spiritual warfare...honor my Faith God and fight this battle for me...in Jesus's Mighty Name...I CLAIM THIS HOUSING MIRACLE !

    Marlene the listing realtor of that beautiful apt had just called me and then.............we got disconnected............mamma-mia everyone is having problems with their cell phones for about a week now... it is a state wide technical glitch...it is cell tower engineering malfunctions state...
  11. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Confirmation Needed Today & A Housing Miracle Needed i know You care God please come thru for me in Jesus's Name before it is too late thank-you God.

    Today i am trying one last time to contact Pastor Raul & Howard about either/or promised apartment here locally for rent I need a definite confirmation from them If neither one contacts me i am going to just keep searching as i have been locally PLEASE KEEP PRAYING FOR A HOUSING MIRACLE FOR...
  12. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Fear Be Gone i can't live like this anymore i am tired of fear tormenting me over soo many things Daddy-God touch me in Jesus's Name this evening plz.

    Father in Jesus's name i am not living i am just existing We both know that... i am tired of the fear of homelessness & everything else that weighs on my mind day & night i will contact Pastor Raul the superintendent & Howard the landlord/owner one more time tomorrow morning about these...
  13. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Housing Miracle Spring Forth For Me & may this be a testimony of Your Faithfulness Lord God despite how long this whole trial has dragged on My Jesus

    i continue to lift up the need for stable safe and secure quiet & beautiful housing as where i am is still just temporary i ask for the right landlord who truly wants me as their tenant to offer me a most wonderful apt to rent & be very happy with me I THANK-YOU FOR THIS LONG AWAITED HOUSING...
  14. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Apt Rental Viewing This Wednesday is this my housing miracle Father in Jesus's name? if YOU have prepared this home for me then open this door for me.

    A real estate broker from a local church will be showing me a ground floor apt on this Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. this is also the same day Hurricane Ida is going to reach us here in the northeast too which is of concern to me i simply ask that My Father's Perfect Will is done & if this is my...
  15. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Send Favor Oh God i have tried soo hard to honor Your Word & walk in Your ways please bless me now at my midnight hour Father in Jesus's name Amen XO

    Look down upon me with Your Favor & Grace Bless me now Father in Jesus's Name i am at the midnight hour for a housing miracle i stand before my Red Sea Moment in life yet again Be Merciful & Gracious To Me & Help Me In My Time Of Dire Need please don't let my enemies triumph over me Show me a...
  16. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Urgent Migraine From High Heat & Humidity Plus Stress & Tension thank-you soo much for your compassionate & kind & caring prayers i am most grateful !

    Father in Jesus's name please take this headache away from me & help me feel better i put all of my concerns into Your Son's Hands Friends of mine need much serious prayer because their situations are very dire & it upsets me soo much LAST OF ALL I CRY OUT FOR MY HOUSING MIRACLE PLEASE...
  17. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    MIRACLES i still need from God & much prayer as i hit a brick wall can see no open door as of yet today(thank-you soo much for special intercessions)

    Abba-Daddy-Father-God in Jesus's Name please lead me the way i should go i still need a housing miracle a loyal prayer partner by phone a brother in Christ for Godly companionship/fellowship & when i am finally settled where i should live next a new adopted pet doggie who needs me to give them a...
  18. Bernau

    My son and I are in desperate ...

    My son and I are in desperate need of a home. Praying for a housing miracle in Jesus Name amen
  19. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Prayer For A Joyful Day Today and my Housing Miracle too !...( thank-you for praying for me soo much )

    Daddy--God in the name of Jesus please May this day bring me joyfulness peace calm contentment and great Favor despite the housing crisis that i am facing i commit all things into your two hands Please...lead and guide me Good Shepherd every step of the way this day... Help me with...
  20. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    I Cry Out For A Housing Miracle Needed A.S.A.P. thank-you soo much for praying for me for a wonderful place to call home sweet home against all odds..

    Father God In Jesus's Name Please Provide A Safe Secure Place For Me To Call Home Soon For I Am Running Out Of Time And At The End Of My Rope I Have No More Lease Here Where I Now Am And After All I Have Been Thru With Hurricane Disaster's I Am Weary And Very Frightened Of The Future Too...
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