
  1. Lludythe

    Praise the lord my uncle Rm. Elisha ...

    Praise the lord my uncle Rm. Elisha is suffering from covid and yesterday he completed his brain surgery now he is in observation for 48 hours but there is no positive response from the body.. Please pray for quick recovery & to remove corona virus from body as soon as possible.. In the name of...
  2. Fiona Barker

    Dear god I met this guy nick ...

    Dear god I met this guy nick on tinder & we get on soo well the other night we spoke for 4 hours and been speaking for few days & now suddenly he is not replying to my WhatsApp messages, We want same things and he said we was on same page he makes me smile we not met up yet tommorw we was Ment...
  3. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please let my son stop his ...

    Jesus please let my son stop his obnoxious behavior it is wasting hours of precious time. I can't get anything done and I am very sick today and can barely function. Please let this nonsense stop. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
  4. Michele J

    Good afternoon Prayer Warriors. Please pray for ...

    Good afternoon Prayer Warriors. Please pray for my coworker who has lost an aunt, grandmother and brother in the last 72 hours. May the Lord bless you, protect and uphold your undertakings. In the name of Jesus, Amen
  5. Helplord

    Pray more hours open up in the ...

    Pray more hours open up in the morning
  6. Chris M.

    Blessings and hopes for all your prayers ...

    Blessings and hopes for all your prayers to be answered. Please pray for me and my trusted colleagues at my main store site where I work. The newer mangement and the friends they hired and are involved with, have been creating drama and chaos within our store. These newer folks took our hours...
  7. Eoggaen

    Hello man of God..I need your help..I ...

    Hello man of God..I need your help..I have been praying to God to help me pay back the loan I owe a certain group and still i see no hope..I am here today because I am stranded that I don't know what I can do.and today I am to pay back the loan yet I have nothing in my pocket.. please help me...
  8. Boraere

    I hit with a wall after that ...

    I hit with a wall after that I don't know what can I do for few hours for 6 year l go to hospital no respond for this problem because of that I am addicted now I don't want to live I suicide my self please help me I want to be free
  9. cjdelacruz

    Almighty Father, first of all, we thank ...

    Almighty Father, first of all, we thank you for all your blessings and countless miracles. Its been raining hard again the past few hours and flooding has started. Your children are very afraid. Please push away the rain clouds to the reservoirs where it is most needed. We ask this in the name...
  10. cjdelacruz

    Almighty Father, first of all, we thank ...

    Almighty Father, first of all, we thank you for all your blessings and countless miracles. Its been raining hard again the past few hours and flooding has started. Your children are very afraid. Please push away the rain clouds to the reservoirs where it is most needed. We ask this in the name...
  11. Jamesbhr


    Requesting prayer for a sciatica attack that has got me debilitated. Also for swelling in my groin. My groin swells when I am on my feet, and, well my sciatica will not let me lay down. Have not slept very much in the last week, only a few hours. Tylenol, Advil won't touch it. Doctors have tried...
  12. Beranth

    Stephens sisters famiky needs

    Lord apart from the house issues and the finacial miracles promised this heating and water system after 6 visits isn't working .the water pressure needs fixing. Lord they pumped up the expansion vessel and it lasted 24 hours the pressure is dropping again will you please intervene with wisfom...
  13. Byrnhosmyr

    Could pray for my right eye I ...

    Could pray for my right eye I have cataratas I need to surgery and i needs to get hours back for my jobs. I needs financial breakthrough . Thank you.
  14. Ispant

    Urgent prayer request for job security.

    My name is Rajee working as a charge in Abu Dhabi.Today within few hours our hospital is going to release the termination result.please pray for me my name should not be in the list.Its a government job.I don't want to loose my job.please pray for my job security.Amen
  15. an earthly being

    Please pray for me , im going ...

    Please pray for me , im going to undergo a surgery in few hours . Please pray for my health and quick recovery.
  16. Leeg2008

    Cant sleep please pray I can go ...

    Cant sleep please pray I can go to sleep and sleep well. I have to be up in 4 hours
  17. Anonymous

    Cant sleep please pray I can go ...

    Cant sleep please pray I can go to sleep and sleep well. I have to be up in 4 hours
  18. WomanofYahshua

    Wildfires continue & need Healing

    Pray with me these wildfires would stop the air is so bad can hardly breathe and bad smoke stench in the air. Lord in Your Mercy save us from these fires and all chaos and Heal us, my lungs and all Paine Gone. We put all this in Your mighty Protecting Hands. We Praise You Yahshua in these last...
  19. Helplord

    Pray more hours open up in the ...

    Pray more hours open up in the morning at kohl's /jc penny
  20. Shadowar

    Please pray for pain relief that I ...

    Please pray for pain relief that I may to back to sleep and go to work in a few hours
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