
  1. natasha2

    Normal blood sugar, blood pressure, stomach acid...health

    Normal blood pressure. Normal heart beat. Normal stomach acid. Normal blood sugar. Healthy normal organs and glands. Balanced hormons, vitamins, minerals and other needed substances. Everything PERFECT, STRONG, WHOLE and HEALTHY in my body. All body processes perfect. Everything normal...
  2. natasha2

    Stop my period (menstr cycle)

    Stop my period (bleeding). It lasts for to long. Removed all causes. Stress or menopause or hormons or vitamins, minerals etc... Regular menstrual cycle.
  3. natasha2

    Dental flesh, hair

    Dental flesh healed. No cysts, abscesses, swellings. Hair strong (not fragile), healthy (no falling off), voluminous, luxuriant (not thin). Hair like it used to be year ago. Lord, remove the cause of those problems (fear, menopause, minerals, vitamins, hormons, generational...
  4. natasha2

    Hair, nails

    Reversing of grey hairs into original color. Everything is possible. Volumionous luxuriant thick dense hair like it used to be. Healthy strong nails. Whatever is not well with hormons or vitamins, minerals or anything else, let it be healed and repaired right now in Jesus name. Thank...
  5. natasha2

    Period stopping, menstr cycle, menopause

    Please pray that my period will completely stop. It is scarce now but still. It would be 17th day. Normal length is 6 days. Pray for balance of hormons. NOrmal menopause transition. Regular periods until it completely stops according to the timing of God. In Jesus name.
  6. natasha2

    Voluminous luxuriant hair, no falling off of hair

    Voluminous luxuriant thick dense hair like it used to be year ago. Not fragile but strong hairs, not thin but thick hairs. No falling off of hair. New hair growing where it used to be. Cause revealed and removed in Jesus name, amen. Balance of hormons. In Jesus name, amen.
  7. Chyusun

    Healing over my body n hormones

    Healing over my body n hormones
  8. Binaenea

    Please pray I have two beautiful healthy ...

    Please pray I have two beautiful healthy children with my own eggs,and that my dr understands I am not open to using donor eggs,it isn’t necessary given my hormones.
  9. natasha2

    Perfect weight, sleep, health, habits

    Dropping to my perfect weight. In a healthy way. Easily, effortlesly, smoothely. Cca 77 kg is my perfect weight for now. Healthy eating sleeping exercising walking habits. Hormons in order and balanced. No nervosity of my stomach or diggestive issues which makes my sleep to short or...
  10. natasha2

    Healthy strong hair like it used to be

    Strong healthy thick dense voluminous luxuriant hair like it used to be. Everything connected to hormons and reproductive organs healthy. All vitamins, minerals and other needed substances in optimum amount in my body. I am female, 50.
  11. natasha2

    Endocrine system (glands) and reproductive system healed

    Endocrine and reproductive system healthy and ballanced, regenerated, renewed. Alll glands and organs, tubes, cells, tissues of female and reproductive organs and all glands in my body, healed, repaired, restored, renewed. All hormons balanced.
  12. natasha2

    Menstrual cycle, reproductive system

    Everything normal healthy and regular around my period and menstrual cycle. Menstr cycle 28-30 days long, not shorter. Period moderate, healthy, 4-6 days, not longer. Every organ, gland, tissue, hormon....everything connected to the menstrual cycle healthy and harmonized in Jesus name, amen...
  13. natasha2

    Hair falling off

    No unnecessary or unhealthy falling off of hair. Strong healthy thick dense hair like it used to be. Balanced hormons. Everything connected to my hair healthy normal balanced. Pray if i should take vitamins, which one and which brand/company.
  14. natasha2

    Menstr cycle, period, reproductive system, hormons

    Regular menstrual cycle. (not to short 28-30 days) Everything healthy and moderate around my period. (not to long or excessive, 4-6 days) Everything healthy and balanced around my reproductive system. Everything healthy and balanced around my hormons. Everything healthy and balanced around my...
  15. natasha2

    My hair

    My hair thick and dense like it used to be. Healthy sculp, balanced hormons, healthy skin...whatever..... No unnecessary falling out.
  16. natasha2

    Nails, hair

    Strong healthy regenerated nails (on hands and feet). Strong dense hair. No unnecessary falling out. Hormons balanced. (I am female)
  17. natasha2

    Nails, hair

    Healthy strong regenerated nails. (on hands and feet) Healthy strong hair (sculp) and hormons balanced. No unnecessary falling out.
  18. natasha2

    Everything healthy around menstr cycle, reproductive system

    Everything healthy around my hormons, mentrual cycle, period. Regular menstr cycle and period. Moderate healthy periods. Length of the period 4-6 days. Menstrual cycle 28-30 days. Healthy reproductive system, lines, glands, organs, tissues, cells.
  19. Tehescea

    let God restore whatever devil has stolen ...

    let God restore whatever devil has stolen from me and my marriage, let restore my period, balance my hormones, make me ovulate and bless my womb with miracle babies this year, open doors for my husband, bless his hand work, bless him with financial breakthrough and send a divine helper to locate...
  20. Tehescea

    Total restoration upon my life, let restore ...

    Total restoration upon my life, let restore my period, balance my hormones, make me ovulate and bless my womb with miracle babies this year, open doors for my husband, bless his hand work and bless him with financial breakthrough in Jesus Mighty Name Amen
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