Jesus please let my son do well on his quiz today and let him want to study more and do his homework. Please let my identity theft get resolved and conference go well with my son's teacher and my checks get cashed. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Lord, I pray for peace in Ukraine, I pray that they have enough shelter, food, water and peace in their heart. My heavenly Father, you grant people to people of yours.
Lord, again, I ask your help to finish my homework today. Help me do my work in a high quality and submit on time. Help me...
Lord, let all my collegues respect me and do their job like Jesus would do.
Let them stop being unsensitive to my needs and requests.
Lord, remove every arrogance and not being ready to cooperate in Jesus name.
Lord, also let all my pupils be dilligent, respectful, motivated and successful...
Please pray that I be able to finish my homework. I am really not sure how to do it and it is due in a few hours. I have read all the material and tried to understand but I am still so confused.
Jesus please let my landlord stop trying to be cheap and fix our windows the way that he is supposed to so we can pass our inspection. Please also let my appetite decrease. Let the mask mandate end for all students including my son, and please let him do his homework and study and show interest...
Jesus please let my son do his homework and study. He doesn't care at all and won't even try and I and his father got good grades and are intelligent people. I don't understand this. Please let something change, I can't deal with this anymore. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please let my nausea stop. I can't eat anything. Please let my son do his homework. This is ridiculous. He is not going to understand anything when he goes back to school. Please Jesus. Thank you, Amen.
Jesus please heal my stomach and heel pain. I can't eat and I can't walk. Please help me. Please let my son stop being so difficult. He is being even worse than normal and I have no strength or energy. Please help me with him. He needs to stop watching stupid videos all day, stop asking me to...
Jesus thank you for my son's teacher responding with assignment but please let my son do his homework. I don't know what else to do. He won't do it. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please let my husband get up and help me and please heal my foot. I am in so much pain. Let my son's teachers answer him about his homework so he can finish it. And thank you for there being no school today. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please let my son stop watching bad stuff on the internet and do his homework. Please let his teacher let him redo his test, and service hour lady write me back. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please let my son stop his bad stuff on computers and do his homework..also, please improve his memory and let him develop interest in doing other things besides being on a computer all the time. He needs to join a club for school. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please let my husband help me. Please let my son stop waiting until Sunday night to do homework. He didn't even tell me about it before now. This is ridiculous. Please help me tomorrow with Social Security. Let them be nice and work a plan out with me. I can't pay this bill. Thank you...
Jesus please let my son do his homework. This is ridiculous. I am not going through what I did with him last year. Please Jesus help me. I don't feel well. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
My son needs to finish his homework and final exam and pass the grades also he needs to find a good Christian lady and go back with Macie for relationship. He needs to be Christian again and go to church. And I will go back to second job at Baptist University this fall. And built our financials...
Please pray that my child's father will be open to a relationship with me if it is God's will. My child is really missing me and I would like to be there for my child. I help him each night with homework using Zoom. My son really needs me right now.
Jesus please let my son stop his abusive behavior. It has been going on for two days in a row now, and he didn't sleep at all last night. My husband worked all night and he has had no sleep either. Please. It is bad enough he won't do his homework. I can't take this anymore. Thank you Jesus, Amen.