
  1. Powers

    God♡ thank You. Protect and heal me ..

    .. & my loved ones - our hearts, souls, bodies, homes & vehicles (and all on our paths). We drive safely and text-free. Deliver us from evil. Thank You, IJNA
  2. Powers

    God♡ thank You. Protect and heal me

    .. & my loved ones - our hearts, souls, bodies, homes & vehicles (and all on our paths). We drive safely and text-free. Deliver us from evil. Thank You, IJNA
  3. Powers

    God♡ thank You. Safeguard and heal me ..

    .. & my loved ones - our hearts, souls, bodies, homes & vehicles (and all on our paths). We drive safely and text-free. Deliver us from evil. Thank You, IJNA
  4. Powers

    God♡ thank You. Safeguard and heal me ..

    .. & my loved ones - our hearts, souls, bodies, homes & vehicles (and all on our paths). We drive safely and text-free. Deliver us from evil. Thank You, IJNA
  5. Powers

    God, thank You♡Today, safeguard and heal me ..

    .. & my loved ones - our hearts, souls, bodies, homes & vehicles (and all on our paths). We drive safely and text-free. Deliver us from evil. Thank You, IJNA
  6. Powers

    New day Prayer

    God, thank You ♡ Today, protect and heal me & my loved ones - our hearts, souls, bodies, homes & vehicles. We drive safely and text-free. Deliver us from evil. I pray this for all on our paths.Thank You, IJNA
  7. Powers

    Good Morning, God! Protect and heal me ..

    .. & my loved ones - our hearts, souls, bodies, homes & vehicles (and all on our paths). We drive safely and text-free. Deliver us from evil. Thank You, IJNA
  8. Powers

    Prayer for a new Day

    God, protect and heal me & my loved ones - our hearts, souls, bodies, homes & vehicles. We drive safely and text-free. (Praying for all on our paths) Deliver us from evil. Thank You, IJNA
  9. Saraha

    Heavenly Father I am asking you to ...

    Heavenly Father I am asking you to keep the looters home. Its bad enough the tornadoes tore up these people s homes and they lost probably everything. Now the looters are coming here to steal what these tornado victims have left. Please make them think when they steal this is so very wrong. Ky...
  10. tolstuhu

    Please pray for the adoption, safety and ...

    Please pray for the adoption, safety and security of the 3 poor pets who have lost their owners and homes and are now trapped in the shelter. They can be euthanized in the shelter after a short time. Old dog Mista, cats Peach and Pika. Thank you
  11. Powers

    Prayer for a new Day

    God, protect & heal me and my loved ones - our hearts, souls, bodies, homes & vehicles. We drive safely and text-free. Deliver us from evil. Thank You, IJNA
  12. Powers

    Evening Prayer ~ God, safeguard and heal me ..

    .. & my loved ones - our hearts, souls, bodies, homes & vehicles. +For all on our paths. We drive safely and text-free. Deliver us from evil. Thank You, IJNA
  13. Powers

    My Prayer for a new Day ~

    God, protect and heal me & my loved ones - our hearts, souls, bodies, homes & vehicles. +For all on our paths. We drive safely and text-free. Deliver us from evil. Thank You, IJNA
  14. Powers

    Today's Prayer .. .. pls pray for us

    God, protect and heal me & my loved ones - our hearts, souls, bodies, homes & vehicles. +For all on our paths. We drive safely and text-free. Deliver us from evil. Thank You, IJNA
  15. Powers

    protect and heal my family

    God, protect and heal me & my loved ones - our hearts, souls, bodies, homes & vehicles. +For all on our paths. We drive safely and text-free. Deliver us from evil. Thank You, IJNA
  16. Powers

    Prayer for Tonite & new Day ~ God, protect ..

    and heal me & my loved ones and all on our paths - our hearts, souls, bodies, homes & vehicles. We drive safely and text-free. Deliver us from evil. Thank You, IJNA
  17. Powers

    Today's Prayer - God, safeguard and heal ..

    .. me & my loved ones and all on our paths - our hearts, souls, bodies, homes & vehicles. We drive safely and text-free. Deliver us from evil. Thank You, IJNA
  18. Saraha

    Heavenly Father please watch over the people ...

    Heavenly Father please watch over the people in Ky that lost friends and family members from the tornadoes Friday night. Please God be with these people as many have lost their homes and their things. We heard on the news some of these people are sleeping in their vehicles to protect what they...
  19. Saraha

    Heavenly Father there is 40 people missing ...

    Heavenly Father there is 40 people missing from these tornadoes in Ky. Please Father help them to be found alive and well. Please watch over those whose homes are destroyed. Please watch over these people here in our state. Please comfort them in every way they need. Thank you Father for...
  20. Saraha

    Heavenly Father there is 40 people missing ...

    Heavenly Father there is 40 people missing from these tornadoes in Ky. Please Father help them to be found alive and well. Please watch over those whose homes are destroyed. Please watch over these people here in our state. Please comfort them in every way they need. Thank you Father for...
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