Jesus clearly said to all of us. Go and sin no more. If you sin and follow pagan pagan practices, then the devil will get hold on you and your heart will grow cold towards Gods word, prayer and you will not want to attend church anymore. Then depression will set in, worry and fear satan...
country: bolivia
door trick
evil practices
many nations
many things
new testament christian magazines
pagan practices
pagan tradition
safe place
Let the light of our faith in the Lord be a blessing to everyone we meet in the street, at work, at home, in church grounds, and wherever we are. May the kindness of Jesus fall on those who are living far away from Him. Salvation and mercy may come to them. As we worship the Lord in spirit...
Spending quality time with the Lord makes the difference in our life and the life of those we live. Our spouse, our children and all our neighbors will know in whose presence you really live.
Speaking to Jesus every single day of our life is the most precious time we can have before doing...
country: bolivia
jehovah almighty prince
life divorce papers
life worry fear
peace troubles
precious time
quality time
single day
true peace
Jesus wants all of us living happy and joyful lives but the devil is trying to get us into trouble with divoces rising up in our homes and our lives. Say no to divorce, say yes to love your spouse and your children.
Lonely and say life is bad for all of us.
Only Jesus can take away all the...
Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me: for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world.
—John 17:24 (KJV)
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
Wow, what an unbelievable collection of high powered...
country: reserved
glorious presence
high powered phrases
holy bible new international version
international bible society
john 17 24 kjv thoughts
spirit stir
unbelievable collection
zondervan publishing house
Oh Abba Father, the omnipotent (all-powerful), omniscient (all-knowing), omnipresent (all-present), and omnibenevolent (all-good) eternal and sovereign creator of the unseen spiritual world and physical world, the one who is called I am that I am, the one who interprets my dreams and walks your...
confidence work capability
country: united kingdom
friday 6th march
holy professor
job opportunities
many job opportunities
mental blocks
peace poise calmness confidence balance
physical world
ruach ha kodesh amen
spiritual blessings rewards
spiritual laws rules
spiritual laws rules principles
stumbling block hesitation
subconscious mind of humanity
unseen spiritual world
HEAVENLY FATHER I humbly come before your holy throne I ask that you forgive me of all sins that I have committed against you & against those made in your image. FATHER please help me to change & please help me to always look ahead to the future. FATHER help me to become a much better improved...
better improved new mature person
better improved person
country: unknown
future father
greatest desire
greatest joy
greatest pleasure
heavenly father
image father
new mature person
past father
Want to overcome temptation & stop backsliding & stop falling into sin. HEAVENLY FATHER I humbly come before YOUR holy throne I ask that YOU forgive me of all sins I have committed against YOU & against those made in YOUR image. FATHER please help me to stop sinning & to stop backsliding & stop...
Dear Holy Abba Lord God Jesus, in the holy name and holy blood of holy Lord God Jesus, we come to your holy throne, to give you such high HALLELUJAH praise and thanks for your sweet anointing upon Aldean. Thank You for everything you have done for aldean, past, present and in the future, for...
country: united states
dear holy abba
god's holy divine favors
holy blood of holy abba
holy blood of holy god's holyholy hands
holy peace
holythroneholy word
life supply aldean