Lord help to pray and fill me with wisdom and knowledge, Dear Lord I am Poor women I don't have any help and my husband not supporing any purpose even he is not Loving children, Please your Holy Blood heal our life and change my husbands life. Thank You Lord , Thank You Jesus, I Love You Jesus.
Friends, brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, please let us cry out to Heavenly Father. May He deliver me and set free irrevocably from pornography and masturbation, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Let us also pray God to incite me, to give me grace and to give me wisdom - to make my decisions and...
Friends, brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, please let us cry out to Heavenly Father. May He deliver me and set free irrevocably from pornography and masturbation, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Let us also pray God to incite me, to give me grace and to give me wisdom - to make my decisions and...
Friends, brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, please let us cry out to Heavenly Father. May He deliver me and set free irrevocably from pornography and masturbation, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Let us also pray God to incite me, to give me grace and to give me wisdom - to make my decisions and...
Friends, brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, please let us cry out to Heavenly Father. May He deliver me and set free irrevocably from pornography and masturbation, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Let us also pray God to incite me, to give me grace and to give me wisdom - to make my decisions and...
Friends, brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, please let us cry out to Heavenly Father. May He deliver me and set free irrevocably from pornography and masturbation, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Let us also pray God to incite me, to give me grace and to give me wisdom - to make my decisions and...
Friends, brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, please let us cry out to Heavenly Father. May He deliver me and set free irrevocably from pornography and masturbation, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Let us also pray God to incite me, to give me grace and to give me wisdom - to make my decisions and...
Friends, brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, please let us cry out to Heavenly Father. May He deliver me and set free irrevocably from pornography and masturbation, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Let us also pray God to incite me, to give me grace and to give me wisdom - to make my decisions and...
Friends, brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, please let us cry out to Heavenly Father. May He deliver me and set free irrevocably from pornography and masturbation, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Let us also pray God to incite me, to give me grace and to give me wisdom - to make my decisions and...
Praise report: I want to to give all thanks and prais eot my Lord and Savior and Kind tha Lord Jesus Christ for beign so good to me for healign mey jaws and teeth. Lord oyu Hold our souls you hodl our hearts. thank you Lord thanky ou: pleas ehall all ont his site of whatver itt is they need...
best job
best money best people
country: hungary
divine heavenly love
faithful servant
gentle strong protective
hard time
strong intimacy
strong way
Praise report: i had a trauma to my jaws and i want tell you the Lord s so good healed my jaws and facial bones! prais ebe to the Lord Jesus Christ fille dmy mouth with good thignsthank you Lord for your helaign and all your blessings! please birgin your full salvaiton and delieranc eot all my...
Friends, brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, please let us cry out to Heavenly Father. May He deliver me and set free irrevocably from pornography and masturbation, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Let us also pray God to incite me, to give me grace and to give me wisdom - to make my decisions and...
Friends, brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, please let us cry out to Heavenly Father. May He deliver me and set free irrevocably from pornography and masturbation, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Let us also pray God to incite me, to give me grace and to give me wisdom - to make my decisions and...
praise report!: The Lord shifted my jaws a dn teeth alignement yesterday!! thank yo u SO mcuh Lord Jesus Christ praise to your forevr and ever!!!!! thank You Lord! also prais e to you Lord that last week i had a dte with i htink may mma be my husband formt he Lord. Lord iso excited is he really...
Friends, brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, please let us cry out to Heavenly Father. May He deliver me and set free irrevocably from pornography and masturbation, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Let us also pray God to incite me, to give me grace and to give me wisdom - to make my decisions and...
Friends, brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, please let us cry out to Heavenly Father. May He deliver me and set free irrevocably from pornography and masturbation, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Let us also pray God to incite me, to give me grace and to give me wisdom - to make my decisions and...
Friends, brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, please let us cry out to Heavenly Father. May He deliver me and set free irrevocably from pornography and masturbation, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Let us also pray God to incite me, to give me grace and to give me wisdom - to make my decisions and...
Pleas pray fo rmy da dit is his 65th birhtday toda.y i have not seen him in year si miss him. pleas epray he is surrounded by God's favour helaign abundant life today and always and that the Lord's salvaiton healing and mirauclous power of the hOly SPirit of God be upnj my dad. I pray the Lor...
Pleas eoray fo rmy da dit is his 65th birhtday toda.y i have not seen him in year si miss him. pleas epray he is surrounded by God's favour helaign abundant life today and always and that the Lord's salvaiton healing and mirauclous power of the hOly SPirit of God be upnj my dad. I pray the Lor...
65th birthday
country: hungary
da dit
eon heart
high blood pressure
holy angels
jesus christ lord
merry heart strong gums teeth bones
new teeth hair