Good morning? My name is Magnaem pinias frm Namibia and iam living with HIV postive for the 16 years non. And I want GOD have mercy on me to heal me from this virus in Jesus name.
Me too introduce God of mogpa to friend student nurse called Mayfair she dreamt when her grandma inject HIV to her so she want to hospital and tested positive after that she attended several prayers with you even last anniversary she was there and planted seed still the disease remain...
country: ghana
friend student nurse
kessben radio
many testimony
positive rev o b
student nurse
Please pray for my family my children my family is sick with HIV pray for they protection from the hand of the enemy my son have a court case pray for him please
Am HIV and Hépatites B positive and i want God man should pray for me please man of God for the sake of son David and also pray for my husband please man of God, am pleeding with all my Heart.
Am HIV and Hépatites B positive and i want God man should pray for me please man of God for the sake of son David and also pray for my husband please man of God, am pleeding with all my Harry.
I need prayer for my family . There is a history of diabetes, hiv and highblood pressure in my family Now as the tenth born has transferred this to my children. I have a child suffering from fibroids. She has suffered for more than ten years.
Healing from hiv and stis. Good health. Grenda and Desmond levy Mwansa. We have this diseases for seven years. Barrenness ever since. May God of tb Joshua heal us and solve these problems. Zambia
country: zambia
desmond levy
desmond levy mwansa
good health
problems zambia
seven barrenness
stis good health grenada
tb joshua