high efficiency

  1. natasha2

    What i need today

    Energy Strength Joy Inspiration Motivation High efficiency in everythimg i do Protection from any attack of the enemy - direct or indirect, open or covert. Enjoying love and attention from people. Deeply satisfied. Amen Beautiful meetings and socializing with people/friends/family/potential...
  2. natasha2

    Efficiency, healing, protection, finances

    High efficiency today in everything i do. To do all that is possible from my to do list. Health and strength, motivation, joy... for that. Healing in my breathing and diggestive tubes. Irritation - gastritis or residues of a virus. Itchiness/irritation, sometimes caughing out. Protection and...
  3. natasha2

    Lord please protect me from noisy neighbours. ...

    Lord please protect me from noisy neighbours. Now it's turn on the upstair neighbour. He is walking up and down in some very noisy slippers. Good sweet afternoone sleep for me. Today nice company/friends in the evening/late afternoone. Amen High efficiency in my home obligations.
  4. natasha2

    Virus healing, joy, high efficiency

    No inflammation, pain or unease anywhere in my body. Some kind of virus. Fever is lot lower then yesterday. Please continue to pray. Muscles - body Teeth Dental flesh Mouth Also joy no depression because of mistretement from other people. High efficiency in my home obligations, cleaning...
  5. natasha2

    Prayer for me and my family

    -HEALTH -GOOD MOOD -general.PROSPERITY -financial.PROSPERITY -Catching up.a SLEEP -POSITIVITY -OPTIMISm -HIGH EFFICIENCY and PRODUCTIVITY In every area -PROTECTION from evil - FANTASTIC DAY in every aspect of our lives - 2024 - golden year for me and my family For me and my family mother...
  6. natasha2

    Nervous stomach, diarrhea, shopping, finances

    No nervous stomach - relaxed stomach. No diarrhea - excellent digestion. No anxiety/stress or whatever is the reason. Me exactly at 7.20 am in a teachers room. Work. Protection from any harm today. Success and high efficiency in evetything i do today. I need to go shopping Please pray that...
  7. natasha2

    IRRITATIONS in the train

    Please no irritations in the train! No pupils running through the train, no loud cellphones, no people caughing dangerously without covering their mouth wuth the hand. Amen No headake, tension or stress. PROTECTION from any evil IRRITATION or plan of the enemy in Jesus name. PROTECT ME FROM...
  8. natasha2

    Peace, good sleep, clear vision, home efficiency

    Peace in my neighbourhood. My next door neighbours are becoming restless going in and out of appartement slamming with doors. Also my other next neighbours also dropp things, move furniture or whatever. Also.pray for my clear vision and healthy eyes. And good sweet sleep tonight. Enough of...
  9. natasha2

    High efficiency - home, perfect weight, firecracker noise

    High efficiency in all my plans today. Especially connected to cleaning, organizing, decluttering and all connected to domestic obligations. And some administrative (paperwork, receits...) and technical (internet downloads) obligations Coming to my perfect weight. No emotional overeating...
  10. natasha2

    Healing-virus, joy/optimism, high efficiency, enjoying my day

    Healing from virus symptoms. Occasional pain/unease in bones/muscles, itchiness in the throat/larynx, pharynx, sneezing, waternose, slime caughing light fever. Joy, good mood, optimism, positivity. High Efficiency in all that i do. Home obligations.Done everything i have planed - done today...
  11. natasha2

    High efficiency, health stomach, clear mind/heart

    High efficiency in everything i do and i have planed to do today. Even help.and support from others. Health of my diggestive system. No diarrhea or other unease-symptoms. Mind clear of negative thoughts and recent bad events. Also my heart clear, clean and peaceful
  12. natasha2

    Bloating, teeth, torture of my principle, procrastination, high efficiency -home+work

    No stomach bloating. Normal breathing. Normal stomach acid. Health of my dental flesh, mouth flesh and teeth. No inflammation, swellings in dental flesh. No wounds on mouth flesh (gastritis, sharp teeth). Please pray that tomorrow i will arrive earlier on work. No.stress. No.lateness of train...
  13. natasha2

    Efficiency-obligations, health, strength, optimism, protection

    High efficiency in home obligations - cooking, cleaning, washing, trash, organizing, decluttering, shopping etc etc Extreme health for me and my family. Me - health of my breathing and diggestive system. No allergy, no dryness of nose, heavy caughing out...clear breathing tubes, no bloating, no...
  14. natasha2

    Nausea/cold/flue,/allergy...legal matters- selling garage

    No nausea. No weakness. No feeling of vomiting sometimes. Irritation, inflammation of larynx, vocal cords and not easy caughing out. No.possible cold, flue, virus, allergy(?). Quick healing. HEALTH STRENGTH. High Efficiency in my home obligations. All difficulties, sabotages, possible frauds...
  15. natasha2

    Stomach, menstr cycle, vacations, home efficiency

    No gastritis. No diarrhea. No pain. No unease. Stomach. Intestimes. No.weird symptoms in my diggestive system. Let my period stop now. It lasts for to long and it came to early. Regulation of mymenstr cycle. No PMS or menopause sypmtoms. Easy transitision into menopause. High efficiency in my...
  16. natasha2

    Stomach, teeth, menstr cycle, high efficiency, no noise

    No noise under my window/balcony. Big can. The man is every 2 min slamming with doors. Putting something in the truck and then another door - drinking water. And the doors are extreemely noisy. 2 guys switching. No problems with my stomach.and teeth. Normal stomach acid, all dammages healed...
  17. Anonymous

    High efficiency home, health prosper-family

    High efficiency in home organising, decluttering, repairing devices/door, washing, cleaning and shopping. Healthy from the top of my head to the tip of my toes. Joy health prosperity for me and my family.
  18. natasha2

    Abscess tooth, stomach, home cleaning, sinuses

    No dental flesh swelling abscess pain or unease. Normal stomach acid. Normal diggestion. Relaxed body no stress tension. Opened sinuses. Normal circulation everywhere. High efficiency in my home. Cleaning washing organising decluttering garbage shopping ...
  19. natasha2

    Victory and success....efficiency, creativity...

    Victory and success today in every area of my life. Originality, creativity, productivness especially in my classes. (teacher) Very high efficiency today and this week.
  20. natasha2

    No back pain, strength, pep in her step, high efficiency

    My friend Helena - spine and back pain. Let her walk and not faint run and not be weary in Jesus name. NO pain, but strength, pep in her step, health, in Jesus name. High efficiency in her home obligations in Jesus name.
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