heavy overweight

  1. natasha2

    Diarrhea-me, Helena- breast cancer, my father-possible blindness, possible prostate gland cancer, possible skin tumors

    No diarrhea. Peace in my mind, stomach and intestines.No worries. To find peace in God and his word. To find answers and guidance in God and his word today. Helena my good friend in Christ - no breast cancer, no heavy overweight (no remission of cancer and no heavy overweight for her son to.)...
  2. natasha2

    No lateness/on time...Breast cancer Helena

    No lateness of train Me on time for work and even much more earlier to have time for preparing classes and communion with the Lord and planning of the Lord. Peace in the train also for that. My good friend in Xhrist Helena - no breast cancer no heavy overweight.No heavy chemotherapy symptoms.
  3. natasha2

    No lateness, breast cancer, prostate carcinoma?, NOISE NEIGHBOURS

    1) No lateness of train. Train coming 10 min before my classes start. Me waking up on time. Catching the train on time. Coming at work on time. Lord let my principle be removed from my way because she is always nagging that i am late. Lord keep her out of my way and busy. 2) Lord heal my friend...
  4. natasha2

    Helena breast cancer...me on time for work

    Helena my good friend in Christ: No breast cancer No.possible methastasis No heavy overweight Let Helena learn how love and appreciate herself and her body. She was sexually abused in her childhood from her stepfather and later physically/emotionally abused from her spouse. Please let me 1)...
  5. natasha2

    Helena my good friend in Christ - ...

    Helena my good friend in Christ - no breast cancer and no.possible methastasis. No heavy overweight. No horrible symptoms of chemotherapy. Me getting out of any debt. Finacial increase. Doubled trippled salary. No financial.losses. Wise.money spending...miracolous money appearing on my banc...
  6. natasha2

    Dog barking, Hipp pain, stomach, cancer, blindness

    1) this dog is barking whole day, even in the night sometimes. Lord do something about it because the owners wont..They even put him on the terrace so that the whole neighbourhood is disturbed. 2) no pain in my muscles, nerves,bones, whatever it is in my body, especially my hipps, leggs and...
  7. natasha2

    Stomach, back...cancer, blindness

    No pain in my legg, hipps, lower back. No stomach issues. No gastritis/stomach acid issues. No nausea. No.dental flesh abscesses, swellings... Breast cancer - my friend Helena, no heavy overweight. No possible blindness for my old father. Every day his eyes healthier and healthier, vision...
  8. natasha2

    Menstr cycle, breast cancer, blindness...

    No excessive period (menstr cycle). Stabilization of a menstrual cycle. Easy menopause transition. No pain or unease during my period. Helena my good friend in Christ - no breast cancer, no heavy overweight, no terrible chemotherapy symptoms. My old father Andreea - no skin growths/skin...
  9. natasha2

    Breast cancer, heavy overweight, trauma healing

    Helena my good friend in Christ - no breast cancer, no chemotherapy symptoms, no heavy overweight. Lord help her to have healthy eating and walking habits. No joint pain. No overeating. No fat food or to much sweets or carbohydrate. No possible methastasis - spreading of cancer. Lord heal her...
  10. natasha2

    Cancer, vision, protection, menstrual cycle ...

    1) beast cancer - Helena my good friend in Christ - no chemotherapy symptoms, no heavy overweight 2) my father healed eyes and better and better vision , no danger of blindness (bad surgeries, cataract, glaucoma , double vision 3) stop my period that lasts for 11 days now, pray for -...
  11. natasha2

    Teeth, stomach, breast cancer, risk of blindness

    1) health of my teeth and dental flesh 2) health of my stomach - no gastritis, no nervosity, normal stomach acid 3) please pray to stop my to long period, for stabilization of my menstrual cycle and for easy transition to menopause 4) no breast cancer and no heavy overweight for Helena - my...
  12. natasha2


    Healthy teeth and dental flesh. No cysts, swellings, abscesses, cavities, plaque... New teeth Victory and wisdom in every area of my life Insight, wisdom, revelation, discernement, knowledge, council of the Lord. Helena my gpod friend in Christ - no breast cancer, no heavy overweight, no...
  13. natasha2

    Protection from evil, breast cancer, better eyesight

    Protection from any evil especially through pupils and principle and educational counselor in my highschool. I am a teacher. I had already some incidents/problems with them. Lord protect me from perfectionism and tyranny from the principle and spoiled or wicked children. I am on the verge of my...
  14. natasha2

    Breast cancer, overweight, danger of blindness, vision, stomach

    Helena my good friend in Christ - no breast cancer, no heavy overweight, no financial needs or difficulties, walking in the spirit, not in the flesh, comfort and faith for healing. My old father - no danger of blindness. No double vision or blurry vision. No consequences of cataract, glaucoma...
  15. natasha2

    Breast cancer, possible blindness, school restaurant, honor at work, teacher success

    1) my good friend in Christ.Helena - no breast cancer, no heavy overweight 2) my old father - healthy eyes, perfect 20/20 vision, no blury vision or double vision, no consequences of cataract, glaucoma, bad surgeries. No "danger of blindness' according to doctors. Also excellent eyesight for me...
  16. natasha2

    Diggestion, teeth, cancer, overweight, vision/eyes

    ME: No diggestive issues. No diarrhea. No gastritis. Normal stomach acid. ME: No cysts, abscesses, swellings... in my dental flesh. Strong white shiny whole repaired regenerated new miracle teeth. Helena my friend - no breast cancer, no heavy overweight. My old father Andria - complete...
  17. natasha2

    Breast cancer, overweight, sexual abuse...

    Helena my good friend in Christ. Heavy Overweight.(she and her son) Breast cancer. Strong immuniti working for her not against her. Healing of her heart.(traumas, sexual abuse from her stepfather, physical/emotional abuse for years from her husband who died). Pleasing others to much and caring...
  18. natasha2

    Breast cancer, overweight, immunity

    Helena my good friend in Christ. No breast cancer or anywhere in her body Strong immuniti working for her not against her. Healing of heart, emotions and traumas, childhood sexual abuse. Removed heavy overweight for her and het son (who.is also a cancer survivor-thyroid). Healthy eating habits...
  19. natasha2

    Breast cancer, overweight, virus recovering

    Helena my good friend in Christ. Breast cancer. Pneumonia/virus/bacteria - recovering. Heavy overweight. Dropping in weight. Healthy eating habits. Strong immunity. Changes in her way of thinking to support her health. Not putting all peoples needs before her needs. (She was sexually abused...
  20. natasha2

    Heavy overweight

    Heavy overweight. My friend Helena and her son Bozo. Let them start to eat healthy and moderately in Jesus name. Lots of movement. Maybe even exercising, at least exercising in bad. Helena has difficulties walking and often joint pain. Both have or have had cancer. Lord let them stop eating so...
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