Heavenly pls forgive me of the thing I did twelve years ago. Pls forgive me of all things I did four-teen years earlier and the years prior to that. amen.
Heavenly pls I humbly ask I become one of ur children. Pls help me to be serious. Pls bless m with strength to do the things u ask me to do. Pls save me. Pls help me to not chase after ppl. Pls help me to seek u wholeheartedly with Al my heart soul and mind. Pls help me to love m enemies. And to...
Heavenly pls remove anything from my heart that isn’t pleasing. Heavenly pls forgive me of all sin. Pls help me to submit to u at all times. Pls remove all anger. Pls remove all rebellion from my heart. amen.
Heavenly pls intervene s my family will not find out about me at home today and pls s they will not ask me. Pls s my siblings will not find out about me at home today and pls s they will not find out. amen.
Heavenly pls save this teenager. Pls s she’ll make heaven. Pls save all those in need of being saved. Pls save all families in need of being saved. amen.