heavenly father pls break destroy & burn all serpentine spirits all snakes spirit all spirits of antichrist all occultism all witchcraft ugliness all powers & rulers of darkness. In JESUS name. AMEN.
heavenly father pls free me & purify me from all evil from all sin all witchcraft all iniquities from my imperfect past from all manipulation from all retaliation from this wicked planet. Pls continue forgive of all my sins & iniquities. Pls continue make me holy & pure & clean in my thinking &...
heavenly father pls continue protect me from all demonic attacks from all satanic attacks from all spiritual attacks. Pls give me peaceful rest. In JESUS name. AMEN.
heavenly father pls set me free from evil eye from spirits of rejection from witchcraft from witchcraft spirits. Pls continue help me to avoid the works of the flesh as says in galatians 5:19-21. Pls set me free from porography from kingdoms of darkness from rulers of darkness from sin from...
heavenly father pls break & destroy & burn all idols & all idolatry & all addictions in my life. Pls continue make my mind clear & holy & pure. Let me always put u first over all things. Let me always put u first when I arise in morning. In JESUS name. AMEN.
heavenly father pls forgive me & clean me of all sins & all evil & all iniquities & all impurity & all witchcraft. Pls make me holy & pure. Pls let me have a peaceful rest this night. Pls cut off & block & remove all evil people all witches all wicked people all ungodly people all occult all...
heavenly father pls break & destroy & put to death all demonic activity in my life all powers of darkness all demonic strongholds all evil spirits all demonic spirits all types of evil. Pls let me receive peaceful sleep whenever I go take naps. Pls make my mind godly & pure. pls make my thinking...
heavenly father pls set me free from all evil all witchcraft all black magic all voodoo all hexes all vexes all word curse all evil eye. Pls break & destroy & burn these things in my life. Pls help me to completely forget about my past so I can move forward. Pls remove all evil people all wicked...
black magic
country: unknown
demonic people
evil people
genuine christian friends individuals
godly trustworthy people
occultic people
satanic people
wicked people
heavenly father pls set me free from all horoscopes all zodiac signs from all occult evils from all witchcraft from all sin from all things of the world. Pls I want to fully turn towards u & forsake all else. Pls I want to be set apart from this wicked planet & become one of your children. I...
heavenly father pls break & destroy all spiritual wife all sin all idolatry all stagnation all evil all witchcraft all curses in my life. Pls help me to seek u more. In JESUS name. AMEN.