Heavenly father pls help that I will not continue running back to my past or thinking of my past or thinking of tha persons from my past. Pls help me that I never look back and I will always continually move forward and move on. In JESUS name. AMEN.
heavenly father I thank you for this morning. Pls continue to protect me from evil from sin from attacks of tha enemy attacks from demons attacks from witches witchcraft spells from manipulation and retaliation and from scary dreams from demonic dreams from evil dreams and spiritual attacks...
Heavenly father pls protect me from attacks of tha enemy demons witches witchcraft attacks witchcraft spells and spiritual attacks. Pls always give me tha strength to never give up. In JESUS name. AMEN.
heavenly father pls set me free from stubbornness anger rage bitterness hatred disobedient resentment. Plz make me 1 hundred % pure. Plz give me better prayer life better purity and better intimacy. In JESUS name. AMEN.
Heavenly father pls protect me this night. Pls protect me from demonic attacks witchcraft attacks witches mouses rats demons occultism evil & wicked mindsets & spiritual attacks. Pls protect my 💜 and my brain this night. In JESUS name. AMEN.
heavenly father pls I need to be forgiven of all my sins & iniquities. Pls help me that I won't repeat tha same sins anymore and never sin anymore. In JESUS name. AMEN.
heavenly father pls protect me from spiritual attacks and evil dreams and demonic dreams and satanic dreams and all attacks from tha enemy including demonic and satanic attacks and spells and evil and witchcraft attacks and witchcraft and occult and occultism. In JESUS name. AMEN.
Heavenly father pls protect me this night. Pls forgive me cleanse me from my sins and inquities. Pls cleanse me with your precious blood. Pls protect me and my home from demons witches witchcraft spells witchcraft attacks rats mouses from all spiritual attacks. Pls protect my brain and my 💜 this...
heavenly father pls protect me from all temptations from all sin from all impurities from all uncleanness from evil from all unrighteousness. Continually protection from spiritual attacks. Pls make my purity my prayer life and my intimacy with you better. In JESUS name. AMEN.
heavenly father pls protect me I'm going to tha library that I can print some things. Pls help me that I will mind my business at all times and have a holy mindset and always thinking correctly. In JESUS name. AMEN.
heavenly father pls cast out all demons all witchcraft all witchcraft spells and all rats and mouses from my room. Pls cleanse my room with your precious blood. In JESUS name. AMEN.
heavenly father pls protect me this night. Pls protect me and my home from rats mouses demons witches and spiritual attacks this night. In JESUS name. AMEN.
heavenly father pls protect me this night pls protect my 💜 my brain and my life. Pls help me to always avoid evil avoid sin at all times. Pls help me that I will always be in right standing with you. Pls give me godly thoughts always. Pls place me with other true believers. Help me that I will...
heavenly father pls use me for your glory. Pls help me that I will always be in right standing with you. Pls forgive me of all that sins I have ever committed until now. Pls sanctify me with your precious blood. Pls I give my fully wholeheartedly 💜 and my life to you and I accept you as my LORD...
heavenly father pls protect me this night. Pls protect me my home from demons from witches from spiritual attacks this night. Pls protect my brain and my 💜 this night. Pls I need financial miracle that I can my bills. Pls give me peaceful rest this night. In JESUS name. AMEN.
heavenly father pls forgive me of all my sins & iniquities. Pls set me free from witchcraft from demons from misfortunes from my past. In JESUS name. AMEN.
heavenly father pls protect me this night. Pls give me success in my courses so I will always remember all that I learn and that I will perform great on my exams. That I will graduate by next year in spring. Pls forgive me from my sins & iniquities. Play protect my home and pls protect me this...