Heavenly father pls be with me this night. Pls set me free from witchcraft from snares of tha enemy from evil soul ties unjust soul bonds bad dreams nightmares and spiritual attacks and from adultery from sexual sin from fornication from all sins. Pls forgive me of all sins and wipe away all...
Heavenly father pls forgive me of all sins and Pls wipe all sins off. Pls need a miracle that my suitcases will arrive before Thursday so tha ups can ship luggage to new apartment in TX. In JESUS precious name. AMEN.
Heavenly father pls that I will consistently live in repentance and righteousness from now on. Pls remove and save me from all sexual desires evil desires Ill will evil wishes wicked desires selfish desires selfishness covetousness and idolatry and all works of tha flesh. Pls that I will...
Heavenly father pls be with me this night. Pls set me free from witchcraft from snares of tha enemy from evil soul ties unjust soul bonds bad dreams nightmares and spiritual attacks and from adultery from sexual sin from fornication from all sins. Pls forgive me of all sins and wipe away all...
bad dreams
country: unknown
demonic possessions
evil soul
precious name amen
sexual sin
soul ties
spiritual attacks
unjust soul bonds
Heavenly father pls save me. I'm a sinner and I need forgiveness of sins and wipe all sins away. I accept you wholeheartedly as my LORD and Savior. I hand my heart and my life wholeheartedly to you. That I will become and always become a member of tha body of Christ and tha family of Christ. In...
Heavenly father pls set me free and save me from all demonic mindsets and all wicked mindsets from all intrusive thoughts and all negative thoughts and all types of witchcraft all types of evil all sin all works of flesh. Pls make me righteous and holy on inside and outside and that I will...
Heavenly father pls set me free and save me from all evil eye all covetousness all idolatry all anger all hatred all strife all envy and all jealousy. In JESUS precious name. AMEN.
Heavenly father pls set me free and save me from all demonic mindsets and all wicked mindsets from all intrusive thoughts and all negative thoughts and all types of witchcraft all types of evil all sin all works of flesh. Pls make me righteous and holy on inside and outside and that I will...
Heavenly father pls consistently soften my heart and help me that I will overcome all temptations trials and sin. Pls have control over my life. Save me from bad dreams and nightmares and spiritual attacks. In JESUS precious name. AMEN.
Heavenly father pls that I will have a job before I move to TX. And that I will have sufficient money to ship my luggage to my new apartment. That I will be forgiven of sins and that sins will be wiped away and will be saved from anger bitterness rage and resentment. In JESUS precious name. AMEN.
Heavenly father pls set me free from all sins and Pls wipe all sins away. Pls save me from this broken planet and Pls help me prepare for your return. Pls be with me this night. Save me from all bad dreams from nightmares and spiritual attacks. In JESUS precious name. AMEN.
Heavenly father pls search my heart and my mind always and remove and save me from all evil and all wickedness all impurities all witchcraft all secular music all satanic music all insecurities all impure thoughts all intrusive thoughts and anything that's not supposed to be in my heart and/or...
brain pls
country: unknown
impure thoughts
intrusive thoughts
precious name amen
right clean motives
satanic music
secular music
Heavenly father pls search my heart and my mind always and remove and save me from all evil and all wickedness all impurities all witchcraft all secular music all satanic music all insecurities all impure thoughts all intrusive thoughts and anything that's not supposed to be in my heart and/or...
brain pls
country: unknown
impure thoughts
intrusive thoughts
precious name amen
right clean motives
satanic music
secular music